Discordiant for MSP Moderator
I am going to be trying really hard NOT to toot my own horn too much here. I would rather just tell you how awesome the community is, and let my passion for it do the talking.
Why do I want to be a Moderator?
A few weeks ago, shortly after I began my journey on SteemIt, I was introduced to the PAL Discord server. It has changed my experience with SteemIt, and more importantly, the concept of an internet community. The community here with the Minnow Support Project and on PALnet Discord has begun to restore my faith that there can be a pleasant and involved group of people on the mess that is the internet.
During my time here, I have seen the birth of our first sets of Moderators and the good that it has done. I have also seen the growth of the server begin to spike and with it, the unfortunate need for that moderation. More is needed, and I feel I can help.
This is important to me because I want to see this community thrive no matter how much it grows. I have been doing what I can to answer questions, guide people through the process of starting on the server, registration, delegation when the time came, and generally get people situated into the community. I realized early on that the strongest part of the MSP and it's Discord server was the social aspect. I generally have so many PM windows open, that I can barely keep up. I love it.
There is nothing better than the times between helping new members in a Private Message, where I find myself having fun and discussing whatever the randomness of the day might be in the General channel.
I want to be a Moderator to help preserve that, protect it, as well as to start being more active and involved in the direction of the community as a whole.
What do I have to offer the community?
I have decided that the community needs a way to safely arrange meetups both small and large. To this end and with the support of @aggroed I have started a channel on PALnet called 'meetup'. There you will eventually find pinned posts on types of meetups to arrange, how to do it safely and respect everyone's wishes on privacy, as well as other important information. It's just starting, but I suspect we can grow the idea to something that makes it possible to meet other Steemians near you. I am hoping this will help drive even more people to MSP and PALnet as a whole too.
Beyond that, I can only offer my love of helping others. I am a natural-born teacher, or at least I find the most joy in helping others learn. I can't keep myself from doing it either. They would have to ban me from the server to get me to stop trying to answer questions at this point. I really hope they don't want me to stop.
Nothing makes me happier than seeing a new Minnow join, learn the ropes, and then flourish here.
Your support has been amazing.
To the community, I thank you for your support while I was starting. I thank you all for the comradery and entertainment the chat channels have allowed for these past couple weeks.
A special thanks to @netuoso for being awesome and reminding me of who I should thank.
thank you for providing the SteemIt community, and the internet in general, with the single greatest example of what is good in this world I have come across in a long time.To @aggroed, @ausbitbank, @someguy123, @teamsteem, @theprophet0, and all the other founders of the MSP and PALnet Discord,
Let's make this last forever.
Thank you so much.

Full approval, and full faith. You're a solid guy and we need you!
(gingers are multiplying....)
The first rule of the secret plan to take over the world is that we don't talk about the secret plan to take over the world.
Woot Woot!
I will consider that a sign of enthusiasm and thank you for it. :)
I for one approve of this glorious addition.
It shall be interesting times.
What took so long?
Was waiting for the go-ahead from the powers that be. Also, I was off last weekend doing things.
I'm only playing, and it seems I forgot to include a stuck out tongue. :P
I'd be glad to see you as a mod. Cheers!
You have my support, you would be a great addition to the team my man
Thank you!
Full support on this. I'm surprised this hasn't happened sooner. You're an awesome person! :D
Thank you, m'dear. Means a lot.
Thank you!
nice sir
Great job! Approve 100%
Hey! Check my first post Introduction I would appreciate if you can leave some comments :) Don't forget to follow back :)
Thank you discordiant and kudos @aggroed
good post
You have my support, for what it is worth!
You have been extremely helpful ,from the first time I met you!
o/ , O7
namaste! Please keep up the good work! and Make sure @creativesoul doesn't get to bored!
approve 100%
I wish to be a moderator too :)
I just love the general vibe of this post! I'm pretty much a newbie, and I THINK I've heard of ... the Discord channel.. (wait, did I get that wrong?) - Nevertheless I will somehow find this - and check it out!!
If you have a hard time finding the Discord server, let me know.
@Discordiant you would make a fine moderator and you lead a great example here on Steemit.
Thank you!
Good stuff my man! PAL uplifting us all. And your trivia in discord chat was sneaky. Everyone knew him, but no one would really think of him. Well done.
That is the point to a good trivia game.
This submission has made it on the @MutuWhale MutuList!
Full approval and thank you for your persistence.
I'd vote for you for mod dude, but no one listens to me! :D
@aggroed. Give this mongrel a job, eh? One more mod, means one more SirCork kept calm in chat! And that can't possibly be a bad thing, right?
It takes several moderators to keep you in line anyways. :P
Don't make me post your yearbook photo, wolfie :D
Go for it.
Nah, that's proprietary MSP documentation :D
I am so happy to meet you and everyone else at the discussion group. Lively, fun and welcoming. Thanks so much for being a moderator!!
Thanks, it was a pleasure to help you.
Dominic, so happy for you..you are da bomb!!
You are most welcome my friend..keep up the good work.
I can see you've been helpful to many! I appreciate you, brother. It's been a pleasure getting to know you, and I'm grateful for all of the advice and your endless ability to answer questions :)
The pleasure has been all mine.
related post: @Discordiant - Steemian of the Week