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RE: Minnow Support Project Community Curation!

in #minnowsupportproject7 years ago

Don't do it like this. Please don't. No one wants your message saying that.

First, find people that make posts in your language. Meet them. Follow and comment on their post. Don't spam. Only comment IF you have something helpful to say.

Good luck.


I'm new to Steemit, and it feels like the service really needs a way to remove comments/users who are completely tone-deaf to the interests of the community. Self-policing doesn't seem to work.

There's a certain level of noise/spamming that will gravitate to the scent of money. Community curation is a good start, but equally Steemit needs to find a way to filter out the dross.

The problem is that you cannot have a 'comment or user removal feature' without the risk of abuse and censorship. It sucks...but that would be bad too. Hang in there @steemcleaners and @public-eye are working to clean it up.

I've done some work in game design, so I see it as a game design problem. I wouldn't introduce censorship or banning, but perhaps creating more systems to create friction around what the community decides are negative behaviors.

In games, new users are sandboxed, and features are gradually unlocked as they are earned. That also usually involves learning more about how the game mechanics work too.

Again, as a relative newbie, I too could benefit from more of a first-time Steemit user onboarding experience.

I think the MSP is working on more stuff like that. I saw them doing a orientation recently.

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