Be thankful to bring many miracles into our lives

in #miracle7 years ago

Maybe for you are familiar with the science of the secret "The Secret" which has been widely published in the form of books and movies. The most essential thing in the review in The Secret is the science of "the law of attraction", the law of attraction which states that similarity will attract similarities as well. Anything that is potentially positive will attract something potentially positive, while something potentially negative will attract negative potential as well. For that in demand that humans are always in positive positive conditions for positive things always come in life, not vice versa. Such inspiration has inspired the publication of Indonesia's best seller book titled QUANTUM IKHLAS.

One of the branches of The Secret is the science of The Magic which was also released by Rhonda Byrne. In The Magic mentioned that one key thing is the magic of life in which a great mystery has been revealed to create a living miracle namely:

"Who possesses will be given more, and he will have abundance. Who does not have, then even what is in his possession will be taken away from him. "
The quotation above comes from Matthew's Gospel in the Bible.

You have to admit that when you read the above quote it sounds unfair, as if the rich get richer, the poor will get poorer. But there is a puzzle that you must answer in that quote, a mystery to reveal, and when you know it a new world will open for you.
It turns out that the answer to this unsolved mystery for centuries comes in a hidden word of "thanksgiving".

"Who has gratitude will be given more, and he will have abundance. Who does not have gratitude, then even what is in his possession will be taken from him. "

Even in the Qur'an the holy book of Islamic religion has been directly tangible to how significant it is in the miracle of life.

"And (remember) when your Lord proclaims, if ye give thanks, I will increase (favor) you, but if ye deny (My favor), then My punishment will be very heavy"

Indeed the truth is universal, if you find a science about a truth here then you will also find similar science there. Similarly, the science of gratitude, in the book mega bestseller 7 MIRACLE REZEKI works Ippho Santosa and in the book "Your Infinitife Power To Be Rich" by Joseph R. Murphy affirmed:

if the whole process toward material, mental, and spiritual wealth is solidified into one word, then that word is gratitude.
Thus, indeed the secret essence of The Magic by RhoNda Byrne's work is about Gratitude.

If we want a gift of happiness or success, you can start with gratitude. Remember, now is not his time waiting for the gift of coming first grateful. People above average are always grateful at the beginning before the gift comes. Because then the magic will be more immediate to arrive.
There are various aspects in this life that deserve to be thankful (read: it is worth to multiply his favors) such as happiness, health, relationships, career, money and material things you have. You can improve the magic in those areas by training to increase gratitude for those things.

In The Magic mentioned some exercises to help you increase feelings of gratitude in those areas.

• Relations
Gratitude will make the relationship grow. As you get grateful for any relationship you will magically receive an abundance of happiness and good things in that relationship. Because, whatever you think or say about other people, you will bring it to you.
If you want a miracle of a relationship with a particular person, you can start by looking for things that you can be grateful for. The more you repeat it to look for things you can be grateful for from that person each day so miraculously your relationship with that person will be happy and full of blessings.

• Health
Health is the most valuable thing in life, but so, we often underestimate it with less attention or less grateful when still healthy. When it hurt, just remember. The greatest wealth is health. The person who enjoys good health is a rich person, even though he does not know it.

If you are diligent in giving thanks for your health, then God willing you will rarely get sick. Gratitude is a vaccine, anti-toxic, and antiseptic. The degree of depth to your gratitude for your health is exactly the same as your miraculous level of health improvement, and your degree of immunity is exactly the same as the degree of decline in health.
For that to keep your health awake, you can often search for things that you can be grateful for your body organs. Suppose you are very grateful for having two strong legs so that can deliver you to the places of destination. You are grateful to have eyes to see such a beautiful world. You have a good nose and respiratory system so you can breathe fresh air. Even when you are sick anyway you can be grateful because gratitude is very limited in number. Precisely with gratitude then your pain will gradually disappear. For example, when your nose is clogged with flu, you can still be grateful because the clogged one is just one nostril just so you can still breathe the air through other holes. Find out for yourself the gratitude, upgrade and watch the miracle come.

• Money
If there is a lack of money in your life, understand that anxiety, jealousy, jealousy, disappointment, discouragement, hesitation, or fear about money will never bring you more money because those feelings come from the absence of gratitude for money you have.
Gratitude is wealth, while complaints are poverty. We all know that in order to get a need, we need money to get that requirement so that automatically our nominal balance is reduced to spend. To keep us always given the abundance of money, we can start with gratitude for whatever money we still have, then if the money we have spent we can be grateful for the benefits we receive from the objects we have obtained from the money was .

• Careers
When you perform an activity, an art, a discipline, a skill, do it and push it as far as possible. Push farther than ever to the wildest edge, so you push it into the realm of miracles.
How could anyone born in total poverty, start from scratch, and have very little education, then suddenly become president or celebrity who built a gigantic company and became the richest man in the world? And how can two people start in the same career, one switching from successful to more successful while the other despite having worked hard still results in mediocrity? Regardless of how hard they all work, there is a missing link from one's success is gratitude.
You can try to be grateful for whatever you do, no matter how small the job you have to force yourself to be grateful for it. Thus, God willing, your career will increase.
For other broader aspects of life, you can give thanks as follows:

  • To earn more miraculous gifts each day, you can write down the 10 things you are thankful for each day before you go to sleep.
  • To get out of a negative situation, you can write down at least 10 good things you get for the negative situation for you to be grateful.
  • To be able to benefit from every food and drink, you can take your time to be grateful for any food and drinks presented.
  • To be free from bills or debts, you can be grateful for the invoices that come for a particular item because you have benefited from the item.
  • To always get the magical hospitality from everyone, you can say thank you with a smile to everyone who interacts with you or help you with the smallest help, even if you buy something you do not need to hesitate to thank the seller (although you as buyer) because he has sold the goods you need.
  • To gain all day magically, you can be grateful from the moment you open your eyes when you wake up in the morning. Immediately you find things that you can be grateful for such as fresh water for bathing, etc. Just a little gratitude in the morning but you will experience a magical day throughout the day.
  • To get all your desires miraculously, be it an event agenda, or an event that will take place and you want a great result for the event, you can be as thankful as you've got what you want.
  • You can change the mistakes you have made with a gratitude for the lessons or lessons you can learn from your mistakes so that you will magically become a better and more gifted person.
  • To heal a person who is sick miraculously, you can imagine the person has been blessed with perfect health.
  • To become an increasingly qualified person you can magically express your gratitude every time you look in the mirror.
  • To further strengthen and familiarize your gratitude, you can give thanks (Alhamdulillah) in every step of your feet. Because whether you are aware of it or whether you live it or not, thanksgiving like Alhamdulillah is like a magic spell to create miracles for everything.
  • To familiarize your mind to be grateful, the universe has actually provided many facilities for gratitude. The facility is a sign around us. For example, when you hear an ambulance car siren, it is instantly a signal that you are immediately grateful for your health.

There is no reason for you to not be able to find something you can be grateful for whatever your current situation is. If you see no reason to be grateful, the fault lies within yourself.

To affirm that, Allah (SWT) directly speaks to humanity:

"And if the trees of this earth become pens and the sea becomes ink, add to them the seven seas again after it is dry, there will never endlessly be written the words of Allah (His knowledge). Allah is Mighty, Wise. "(QS Luqman: 27)