The Old Dog Tells a Tail: My Miracle Story Composition! Finding A Treasure Inside The Walls!

in #miraclestoriescomp8 years ago (edited)

  Was There A Treasure Hidden Behind The Walls of That Old House?   

This account was written in order to enter the contest being run by @sarahewaring asking for a True Miracle Story

The purchase of this old  home was the beginning of an adventure!

Back in 1988 when I was young and beautiful my wife and I bought an old fixer upper in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. The house, which was built in the early 1900’s, was crooked, creaky and had rotten wood in many areas. It lay on what was once farmland and gave the appearance of having been built by the farmer himself from whatever materials he could find. In fact we would later find out that some of the walls had been constructed partially with the use of old grape crates!  

 Many of the walls were covered in multiple layers of old wallpaper that had, in some cases been painted over. All of the fixtures needed to be replaced, two kitchens and two bathrooms would have to be torn out and some new windows put in.  It sounds  daunting, doesn't it?

Back in the days when the Old Dog would better be described as the Young Puppy! What a mess!

 Would A Surprise Find Make It All Worth It?   

We embarked on what would be an all consuming five year renovation project. A large portion of the work was spent on tearing down walls, large portions of ceilings and removing old cabinets.    

We worked on it so often and so much that I would constantly find myself dreaming about doing the work. In my dreams, while tearing down a wall, I would find a secret passageway that would lead into a before unknown huge area of the house. I can remember the thrill and elation that I felt each time I dreamed that dream. Of course I would then wake up to the reality of a scrap heap of a house in a state of disrepair and chaos. What a let down that was but there was always the hope of a discovery!   

During the tearing down process we found all types of strange objects and materials imbedded into this old “shack”. Of course, in my fantasy world I kept hoping that I’d find some stashed money, jewels or precious metals hidden inside a wall.   

Perhaps this fantasy of finding a treasure was fuelled by the memory of what happened to me as a boy when doing a similar project in my parent's home. My dad was putting up some panelling in the stairwell and while tearing off an old section of drywall we found, hidden inside, a pump action bb rifle! That was a great treasure to a lad of about ten!   

Welcome to my nightmare!

We Found Many Strange Things Inside Those Old Walls!

Once while tearing down a section of wall at our house my wife and I found hidden inside several 50 year old beer and pop bottles and believe it or not the windshield of a sports car, an old MG midget! What it was doing there was anyone’s guess!  

We found the windshield of an old MG  Midget in the wall but there was a better treasure to come? Picture

My wife and I continued tirelessly on our own home. Finally the day had arrived when a real treasure would be found. I was ripping off a section of ceiling near the bathroom and once it was removed I found an opening. My heart pounded as I reached inside to feel around. My fingers groped what felt like a stack of papers! What were they? Perhaps stock certificates or even a wad of money?   

Had The Time To Find A Real Treasure Finally Arrived?

 I grabbed the object of my desire and pulled my treasure down toward me. As it emerged from the hole I could see that it was a very old and yellowed newspaper. Just as I drew it to my chest the whole paper disintegrated and I was left with only a tiny single piece of the paper in my hand!   

I looked down and  my eyes fell upon my own last name written there on this small scrap. Upon further examination it was the announcement of the sale of a home in Toronto Ontario by my long dead grandfather to another man way back in 1921! He had died in 1940 a full 19 years before I was even born.  

This Really Was Miraculous! 

It was a strange and almost eerie experience. I didn’t find gold, jewels or money that day but I was touched by an amazing coincidence that seemed like a miracle to me!   

I hope that you enjoyed my "Miracle Story".

Until next time,

@kus-knee (The Old Dog)

Remember, I reward the best comment(s) on each of my posts with my "The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone" program! So please re-steem and follow so that we can spread the wealth!     


Lovely post and thoroughly enjoyable story

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

Thanks so much @ianstrat!

I did something similar with my Great-Grandmothers house. My Dad sent me up into the crawl space and I found a late 1800's map. It is the type schools use. We also found an 1866 Silver Dollar and Newspaper. I was told it was used for good luck and to show the date the house was built. Very Cool!

Thanks for the visit and the roll! Love it!

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

This is a real nice and interesting story!!

Very nice story... the discovery of a treasured coincidence!

When I was a pfc in frankfurt me and the wife went to the carnival, the next day I randomly bought a local newspaper to look at the page two boobs, and there we were, the pic was from behind us as we stood looking at the carnival lights while we were up on the hill overlooking the fairgrounds, the lights of the dippemas were in front of us in the Ost park.

Truth is often stranger than fiction!

is that really you in the green shirt Mr. Bones? Gorgeous lol

Yes that's me many moons, many hairs, and many kilos (beers) ago!

Damn i can hear you - check this out here!

That's some way to eat a watermelon! The older I am the more I'm convinced that everyone is beautiful when they're young!

Very much enjoyed, TOD. Reminds me to do a post of my first metal detecting outing of 2017 from a few weeks back. TFS

I can't wait to read that. I'd love to try that "sport"!

hahah did it work, how much scrap did you get, it seems all the good stuff is already mined out and the motherload is hidden too deep :D

Interesting read. Do you still live there?

I've been living in Switzerland for the past 22 years.

The Old Dog is Throwing You a Bone For Your Nice Comment!

Please check your wallet!

Remember: I reward the best comments on all of my posts so continue to follow me and tell your friends!

Thank you sir! You're awesome!

I've found some really cool stuff doing remodel jobs. I tore out an old built-in hutch and found a pint bottle of Old Sherman whiskey (apparently somebody had a drinking problem) that was full. I looked it up and it was around 50 years old. While moving a house in Maine an upstairs bedroom ceiling broke and around $40,000 cash fell out...even split 8 ways, we made out pretty good!

Hey man you've got me beat!

I think I need to look into that job find an opening and it will rain cash for sure :D

What a great story! I felt that you really find a treasure there! I loved this story! Congratulations @kus-knee, you rock!

yeah the mind does a good job of keeping us in check I suppose :)

  • maybe stop by my post :) please :D everybody likes 3D prints :D

Thanks so much for your kind words!

Full of enjoyment and thrill

Thanks so much @sharegull!

What a wonderful story. Thanks for sharing!

I really appreciate your presence and your kind words!

Very interesting indeed.

Yes it was a stunning moment!

What an awesome story , thanks for shareing , we found a bunch of rats nests in the walls in an old house back in Hespler Ontario when we were renovating for a friend ! It was by a river and some old factories , all the walls just full of huge rats living in them , pretty freaky stuff lol ! 😉👍😂

Now that's creepy!

that's a cool find. Now start diggin holes in the backyard. Must be treasure their too.

Good point. I'll grab a shovel and get started!

probably just old buried bones :D but who knows pirate chests are commonplace right :D

Ok, the treasuries were not inside of the wall or under the floor, they were just under more and more powder :DGreat story, @kus-knee ! I found some little treasuries when I started to live in the house of my hubby.

You're right, you did find treasure!

I'm so tired, so I read myself the story and will put myself to bed, I hope I can dream of some treasure soon :D I think your stories will make a awesome addition to some children books, if fact I'm 80% sure, you always have a moral and a good story up your sleeve, so much so that I'm growing quite fond of you :) I think I need to break down some walls. speaking of which, here is the cheer of the day :)

Chubby Checker - Knock Down the Walls

ever heard of the twister :) :D:D:D that guy is still rolling, I suppose I should check up for some recent news around him :) I hope he can live up to rockafeller age at least, more people should be 100, maybe without the bad looks and the fake teeth(Rockafeller again :| ) well RIP, I hope his whale power gets delegated evenly

:D I'm out my head is not in order :D

oh yeah, also I made a post on 3D prints, feel free to check it out, it's a finished contest, but I can model pretty much anything and print it at friends, then we can make a drone and get it to you in 5 years tops :) (R&D team is on strike :D) just joking, we can use some close to you 3D print provider and you can print at their place, or shipping could be an option since you are in Europe and there is still a EU :)

Sure I know Chubby Checker. I'd order some 3D prints from you but 4 years is my minimum acceptable delivery time!

Nice! There are 0 coincidences in life.
Where did your Grandfather, (through that house) lead you next? (No need to answer me...I will always do my part to make life easier and help). We are all crossing paths (in Beta, I might add) for a reason. ;)

He left Italy for Canada alone as a teenager in the 1890's and built what was at the time one of the biggest construction companies in Ontario. I now find myself living a stone's throw form Italy!

You definitely come from a very strong lineage. (Grandfather, father, you. Adventurers.)

You write very interesting stories. There is something mystical about this story.

How kind of you have a look and make such a nice comment. Much appreciated!

We are waiting for new stories)