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RE: Qurator's Mischievous Mondays | The Unknown Gift

in #mischievousmondays3 months ago (edited)

"A Mysterious Santa Claus"

Gifts are really popular specially during Christmas season, that is why children will be very excited about christmas. A season of giving, forgiving and family united. If we talked about christmas trees, the first thing comes to our mind is Santa and lots of gifts to be displayed under the big christmas tree. During my Childhood days, this is what we always do, putting up a christmas tree with a gift underneath and unknowingly who is the person displayed some gifts.

We have lots of family members in one house and we keep asking who did putting up those gifts and my Parents and Grandparents don't want to Answer. The gifts also have greetings card says "To: [ Name ]". We all know that children have a lot of imaginations just like thinking about Santa Claus from North pole. I also very surprised because this mysterious Santa knows what I wish.

For many years has past until I reached at the age of 29, I finally found out who is this mysterious Santa claus in our Family, No other Than My Loving and Generous Father.

To: @qurator team and all of my Friends here;

We already bonded as one here in hive platform for many, many years. My Gifts to all of you are LOVE, to all of you. A gift fron the bottom of my heart and distributed to all of you here. 10x fold of blessings and grace comes to you all.