Christmas presents had always been for the children in my family. Not because adults don't want to receive gifts, but because their resources were only enough to make children happy.
Maria, who was a dreamy and naive child, always wondered why my mommy and daddy don't get presents at Christmas, if they are as well behaved as I am, so she closed her eyes and with strength and great emotion she asked for her parents and siblings, what they needed to have.
She wrote in her letter to Santa: Dear Santa Clous give my mom strong and healthy legs, erase her varicose veins that hurt her a lot, for my dad give him the satisfaction of being able to undertake as he always dreamed and be his own boss, for my brother Luis a clear mind without any bipolarity that makes him suffer and avoid enjoying life, for my brother Diego, a more noble heart and less materialistic and finally for the pet of the house, because the gifts are for the whole family, I want you to heal my dog and stop suffering from allergies. I just want us all to be healthy and stay united.
When the family opened their gift box and received all those gifts, they cried with joy, hugging all around their tree they did not utter a word, they were so excited and felt grateful for being blessed.
P.S. Thank you @qurator, for making me dream.