Miss Cindy

in #misscindy3 years ago

This man has such a big heart full of love everyone. I know that his heart comes from an incredible woman that I knew for a brief period of my life. Miss Cindy please know that I keeping that promise that I made to you years ago. That promise being that if I could ever pay you back for all that you did for me that I would. Well I am keeping that promise by helping your incredible son along with other angels keep your dream alive. I will stand by his side no matter what. I do have to thank the Lord and Lady for giving an incredible spirit to turn into one hell of a man. I can truely say that your son took hold of my heart and I don't want to take it away from him. Your son has my heart and soul. I am just so afraid Miss Cindy that if I give my heart to him. That he will reject it and all the feelings that I have for him. I really wish that you were still here so I can ask for your words of wisdom as to how to show him how much I care about him. He is just so incredible and I am truely thank full that he is a part of my life. You truely gave this world one hell of a fighter and I will fight beside him to keep Hunger First going. That I can continue to Promise from this day forward. I can also promise that I will do everything in my power to protect and cherish him. Cause you gave me the best man in the world to love.


What a wonderful tribute to a great lady! 💜