This article is very inspiring dear @v4vapid.
Everyday, Minnows of my community (or even me), we want to quit Steem. You know... this strange relashionship love/hate we probably all have with Steem.....
We want to quit because :
we get mad,
We get frustrated,
We complain that nobody recognizes our obvious brilliance...
But why are we on Steem ?
Because of the money/the views or to built ( a brighter) the future ? And for the community?
We have to be here as
The mad scientist back to the lab, creating, tweaking and freaking frequencies until it finally resonates with the our fickle audiences...
This posts is very inspiring. Because you show that you didn't quit. If you would have quit, you would not be where you are now.
This is inspiring for every Minnows who arrive, for every minnows who struggle.
Our brillance will finally be shown if we don't quit, this is something I truly believe... even if it should takes times. Some people will never even known that they will impact the world because their brillance will be discovered after dead.
But what's the main objectif ? Feeding our ego or impacting the world to make a better one ?
Thank you @v4vapid. Thank you for sharing theses stories. And congratulation for your 3000 followers, that's pretty huge :)
Thank you for this awesome comment. I really appreciate it when I know my message comes through clearly.
This question can only be answered by the individual user. We all have different goals and motivations.
Sure, people want financial freedom, they crave recognition and appreciation from others.
Yet, there are other reasons too and I've touched on this several times in previous posts. The blockchain provides a unique platform that (in theory at least) is censorship-proof. A place where we can know that our thoughts, writings and musings are immutable.
Thanks again / Merci beaucoup
Merci à toi @v4vapid for being an inspiration :)