This is certainly a real possibility as the most vulnerable in society appear to be targeted. We need to drag this into the light.
Yes, the GIF, made by the one and only @animate! check out his templates and custom options!
This is certainly a real possibility as the most vulnerable in society appear to be targeted. We need to drag this into the light.
Yes, the GIF, made by the one and only @animate! check out his templates and custom options!
There is nothing we can do about it when 90% of the population is too dumb to realize this. Or they are stuck mindlessly browsing their cellphones.Also a lot of people nowadays care for no one else but themself.
That's why we cant stop the chemtrails, HAARP, geoingeneering, constant poisoning of our food and water supply or anything else for that matter.
Lol. That's pretty funny, seeing as I'm reading this on a cell phone.