I Know It Sounds Strange, But There Are Some Who Do Research About It ?!

in #mistery7 years ago

Theory of 21 Gram

On April 10, 1901, a strange experiment was conducted in Dorchester, Massachusetts. A doctor named Duncan MacDougall wants to prove to the world that the human soul has mass or weight and can be counted.

Doctor Duncan MacDougall held a strange experiment on his patient who was dying. This experiment was performed on 6 patients by placing them on a specially designed scales. They are laid while still alive but close to their deaths or when patients are dying.

Patients were selected based on the close time of death they had predicted by the doctor. Two patients had tuberculosis, five men and one woman.

Doctor Duncan MacDougall then began to weigh his dying patients. The first patient soon died. When the first patient dies, strange and exciting things happen.

When the patient is placed on the block and they die, the patient's weight is confirmed to have been reduced by 3/4 of the 100 grams of 21 grams. The experiment continued on the next patient and the result was the same. This is then known as the 21 gram theory.

Based on the results of experiments and discussions with other doctors finally concluded that the deceased had lost his weight by 3/4 of 100 grams or 21 grams. Dr. Duncan MacDougall finally came to the conclusion that the weight or mass of the human soul is 21 grams.

Not satisfied to get there, Dr.MacDougall also conducted the same experiment on 15 dogs. But what happens is this animal does not lose body mass at death. A similar experiment was performed on mice by H. LaV Twining a teacher at Los Angeles Polytechnic High School who concluded that mice also had no reduced weight at death.

Dr. Duncan MacDoughall acknowledges that an in-depth experiment is still needed. He also decided to conduct further experiments to prove the 21 gram theory. But before he could conduct experiments that are classified as unethical in the present, Dr. Duncan MacDoughall died in 1920.

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