Proof is right here.
The youtube bitconnect channel is ran by a FRAUD DR IMPERSONATOR.
MIT has no such doctorate of classification.
You been scammed very hard for so long, that even the main YouTube channel is hosted by a Fraud.
This lending program also shutdown causing its fake value of self staking its value on its own victims.
For years;
People have been warning people stay away.
They conned everyone for their exit plan : bitconnectx which is phase two.
UK Queen of England ordered the Shutdown and Repo of Bitconnect on Janurary 18, 2018
Google this.
Texas State also issued a Cease & Desist Order effective in USA
Google this.
Several main Youtubers CryptoNick, Trevon James, also can be sued if you took their ponzi referal.
Searched "IRS clawback ponzi" on google its been done to people with up to $25,000,000 scammed and returned.
So your saying I lost the money I had invested recently
What does this mean they said they released the money but I don’t see it
Funny thing I was following trevon as well and his page has been slowing down on information or doesn’t respond when asking him a question I’m just trying to find out where did they release it to because I don’t see it anywhere on my transfer to USD