On the 5th of June 1967 Robert Kennedy was assassinated in the Ambassador hotel lobby. His assassin Sirhan Sirhan claims to have no memory of the incident, and to this day claims that he was brainwashed.
Between 1955 and 1973 in America the CIA carried out their not-so clandestine program MKUltra. The MKUltra project was started on the order of CIA director Allen Welsh Dulles.
Its aim was to apparently develop mind-controlling drugs for use against the Soviet bloc, largely in response to alleged Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean use of mind control techniques on U.S. prisoners of war in Korea.
In 1977, and later in 2001, certain MKUltra documents were declassified under the Freedom OF Information act. The contents of the papers shocked America.
A whole host of nefarious experiments were uncovered, and it was found that the CIA experimented on American citizens without their knowledge.
An alleged part of the MKUltra program, was the CIA's attempt to create contract killers out of normal, everyday citizens. It is this part of the program that Sirhan alleges that he was a victim of.
This was perhaps their most frightening experiment of all. The idea that somebody could be made to kill another human being without their knowledge, and with no memory of the event or details surrounding it; is a dark one to say the least.
There has always been debate around what you can get a person to do under hypnosis. Most experts insist that you can not get somebody to go against their nature, or to harm themselves whilst in a hypnotic trance.
That was until Derren Brown, an English entertainer specialising in illusion and hypnosis, decided to do an experiment to see if it is possible to get a normally gentle human being, to commit murder.
Derren Brown - To Find A Killer
In his book, Tricks of The Mind, Brown states that he has always been fascinated with hypnotism. For a long time he was obsessed with working out the hypnotic state.
He says that he wanted to find out if it was real, or if there was always some kind of element of playing along, for fear of spoiling a performance.
Brown did various hypnotic experiments on his friends and peers at university in Bristol. In the end he came to the conclusion that some people are more naturally suggestible than others.
However even he didn't think that he could ever persuade somebody to kill another human being. Therefore some of the motivation for this program was to find out once and for all if the hypnotic state was a bonafide altered state. Because nobody would ever shoot somebody just so that they didn't ruin a show.
So the first part of the show was used to show how he chose the perfect candidate for his experiment. We see how he puts certain people under the kind of physical strain that they would not otherwise be able to withstand.
By the end of the first part of the program, Derren has chosen his subject. Now it is time to start the same brainwashing experiment allegedly used by the CIA in MKUltra.
Stage One - Marksman Mode
When questioned about the Robert Kennedy murder, Sirhan claimed that he thought he was firing at a target on a range. He also alleges that just before the shooting, a woman in a polka dot dress, came up to him and pinched him on the shoulder, which immediately put him in range mode.
Derren Brown attempts to recreate that mode by taking his subject to a shooting range.
Before continuing, it is worth pausing for a moment to consider that this program was made in England. There are very few gun ranges in the United Kingdom and they are not easily accessible by members of the public.
Derren's subject, like 99% of people in the UK, had never fired a gun in his life. He claimed his only experience with firearms was having gone paintballing a couple of times.
This was apparent when he fired at the target for the first time. He got nowhere near the middle and even missed the target completely with a couple of shots.
Brown then uses hypnosis and visualisation to get his subject to become a better marksman.
The results are stunning, and need to be seen to be believed. Brown turns his subject into a deadly marksman, and then anchors the feeling using a mobile phone ringtone.
Stage Two - Induced Amnesia
In March 2011, Sirhan Sirhan the man who assassinated Senator Robert Kennedy in a packed hotel lobby, was denied parole for the 14th time.
The board said that he did not show enough remorse for his crime, nor take full responsibility for it. They said that they did not trust the fact that he said he could remember some things about the incident, and not others.
Sirhan insisted that not only did he not remember shooting Kennedy, that details in the weeks leading up to the assassination were sketchy in his memory.
In this part of the program, Derren Brown uses suggestive techniques to induce temporary Amnesia in his subject. Once he is confident he can do this, he moves onto the programming phase.
Brown anchors a feeling of amnesia in his subject's mind using a polka dot pattern. He then immediately tests the state and sees that indeed he has managed to induce temporary amnesia in his subject.
He moves onto the next stage
Stage Three - The Dry Run
Even though Brown has been very careful not to give the game away as to why the subject is participating in his show. Derren still wants to test just how real his subject's responses are.
Brown arranges for his subject to meet him and his production crew in a restaurant. The place has been rigged with hidden cameras and all the diners and staff are aware that something might happen. However they have all been instructed to completely ignore it if it does.
Derren has set it up so that he will use a polka dot pattern on a menu, and the ringtone he used in the marksman mode, to see if he can get his subject to 'assassinate' a diner with a water pistol.
This is an interesting scene and one I won't give away further, as it is worth watching.
Stage Four - The Hit
The target is national treasure, and probably the wittiest man in England, Stephen Fry. The subject has been told that Derren and Fry are going to be doing something together and that is connected with the show the subject thinks he's doing.
He gets told the address and is instructed to meet Derren at the theatre Stephen Fry is performing at. Everywhere is rigged and the stage is set.
Will this gentle person, who has never fired a gun before, go into a trance and shoot Stephen Fry dead?
I urge you to watch, it is fascinating, it is 45 minutes of some the most compelling viewing you'll ever see.
Resteemed, upvoted, following and suggested for @originalworks upvote. Note: Please correct the "Robot" to Robert in title. Excellent article. Well written and so clear as to how MK Ultra programming plays out in the intended incident. My blog is dedicated to uncovering the deep state long-game and I am proud to ad this article! @dakini5d
To call @OriginalWorks, simply reply to any post with @originalworks or !originalworks in your message!
Hi thanks for the support; and thanks for spotting the typo! It was late and my eyes were tired :-)
I actually thought Robot Kennedy was rather charming.
I have no doubt that every single person you have ever met can be induced to kill. It is only a matter of the appropriate inducements. Convince someone under hypnosis that the target has either torn to bits, or is about to, their beloved child, and very few of us wouldn't shoot them given the opportunity, for example.
As to Sirhan Sirhan, you have pretty much increased my knowledge of the person by 100%, and I reckon I am utterly ignorant of whether they are or aren't being truthful. I neither have competence to judge their guilt, responsibility, or ability to do so.
Did the CIA? I am confident they did, whether Sirhan Sirhan did or not. They did his brother, and that is very strong evidence they did Robert, too.
When you put it like that you are absolutely right, although it's interesting, if you watch the show Derren went to great pains to get exactly the 'right' candidate.
Some of us are more susceptible than others, and he wanted to make sure that he got the most pliable person he could find.
While watching the show, I have to say that the more you listen to Sirhan, the more he sounds like he's telling the truth. Derren recreated the scene using his evidence, and he was able to recreate exactly what Sirhan described happened to him.
It just seems so inconceivable that he could have planned the murder, and then planned such a detailed and unbelievable alibi to give after he made no attempt to escape. Eye witnesses to the murder said that he just stood there in a daze, 'like he was in a trance or something'.
Not only did he give the same evidence at the time, he's still sticking to it over 40 years later. The MKUltra program was vast, it encompassed 200 different companies and organisations, including hospitals and universities.
It is so sad that they got this gentle guy to commit murder, and then to get away with it, while he rots in prison.
Derren set out to recreate this very specific set of circumstances, which greatly limited his options. There are other options. Sirhan Sirhan was selected, apparently with great success, from a far wider set of options than Derren has had to choose from.
Reshared @phibetaiota
I saw this few years ago. In some people mind can be 'triggered'. When we talk about this stuff, we asume this is happening only in cases like murder or similar, but is happening all the time in our daily lives. People get triggered all the time by all kind of stuff, from news to everyday stuff. Say any word...bunch of thoughts are coming in associated with it.
Manipulators are aware of that and they are using that to push their agendas all the time. 9/11 is perfect example. They were repeating word terror with images of planes hitting towers. So every time people heard word terror or saw planes hitting towers, they will immeditely get triggered into mode 'kill all muslims'. Examples like that are happening all the time.
I practice meditation from time to time. It's fun to observe mind thoughts. My perspective is that some people get so attached to mind thoughts, that they think they are their own thought. Those people are more susceptible to mind control. Only thing you need to know is how to program their mind like Derren Brown and MKUltra did to some people.
Very true; advertisers use this trick all the time, it's why on the rare occasions I do watch TV, I skip the ads.
this is a good story story.
I took a free, online course to become a hypnotist. What I learned scared the SHIT out of me. Mr. Brown is 100% correct. Those who think "I cannot be hypnotized" are SUCKERS. ANYONE can be hypnotized. ANYONE. And there are hypnotists who can drop you into a trance in a matter of seconds, you literally would never know what happened.
I know right! You should watch the show when you have time, and I also recommend Derren's books if you haven't read them.
He goes into technique quite a lot, and he is the Jedi Master, so if this area interests you he is a good person to study :-)