When you build a business network to a certain level of achievement and become an achiever in that particular company, you will always have a better chance to succeed every time at building a similar business network because your previous experience, success and achievement will make you a good example to others and build their confidence that they can also succeed._*
If you always quit along the way or stop every business half way with little or no achievement even the most easiest one will be your greatest excuse and e eventually quit over and over again until you lose all the hope or concluded the system may not be working for your type.
Reason for this failure: you always quit very early in your old endeavor for the new opportunity you never known what entails.
I want to challenge you today. Focus on one business network until you become an achiever.
👉🏽 Stop quitting very earlier for a similar opportunity you never known what it entails.
👉🏽 Your previous achievement is the KEY to your next achievement always.
👉🏽 Changing programs without a specific achievement loses your leadership potential.
👉🏽 You are ruining your integrity with people who believe so much in you when you are always stop half way with no achievement.
👉🏽 The chain of network is people but it does breaks when you give up along the way.
👉🏽 The more you achieved in a particular business the more you can achieve in another one even when it more harder or tougher.
👉🏽 When you fail earlier doesn't mean you shall be always fail but you fail always when you quit at point of failure.
👉🏽 You are the master of your life...I challenge you this morning to take charge.
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