Monitoring Brain Health for Combat Sports

in #mma6 years ago

I cover the Karate Combat promotion for Sherdog a lot and had the pleasure of being invited to the "One World" event in New York City last month and met a gentleman from a company working on technology to monitor brain function in athletes doing high impact sports. You can listen to the interview below:

It was by chance he and I were next to each other as I was there to see their unique brand of karate live and in person for the first time. Covering fights in New York, especially MMA became interesting to me since it was the last state to lift the ban on the sport in 2016. Something tells me if there was more data available to support the safe or not safe argument for MMA it could have grown a lot sooner.

Anyway, check out the interview and full Sherdog article to hear more about what they are doing for combat sports and other high impact sports.
