--_-- Glass Chins In MMA --_-- Part 2 #sportstalk

in #mma6 years ago


<p><center><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmY8RX6uKmp9dfcXd8UoWVczw2vbMG1LUT1HSGCmRLw5rh/breaker.png" alt="breaker.png" /> <h2><center>Hey SportsTalkers <p><center>Today is part 2 of our "glass chins in MMA" series, I also encourage you to check the last weeks <strong><a href="https://www.sportstalksocial.com/mma/@kid4life/-glass-chins-in-mma--part-1-sportstalk">part 1 if you find the time. Some are born with glass chins while others get them as the result of the long wars on the battlefields, even the hardest chins get cracked with enough pressure put on them. I have a list of fighters who used to had granite chins but now suffer from so-called "glassyndrome". Let us not lose anymore time and jump right to it, shall we? <p><center><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmNxBPXPPwMpmahKK9sAkvFt32d9WQFGUmXQ2Tt1n8i1pr/tenor.gif" alt="tenor.gif" /> <p><center><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmY8RX6uKmp9dfcXd8UoWVczw2vbMG1LUT1HSGCmRLw5rh/breaker.png" alt="breaker.png" /> <h2><center>No.1 - Olaf Alfonso <p><center><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmYdJgNpBnV8b3H1ERdDT6TgXWj26mckfKohU9SBnr24wT/Screenshot_4.png" alt="Screenshot_4.png" /> <hr /> <p><center>Olaf who, I know. After researching MMA records at Sherdog I found Olaf who has a very high percentage rate when it comes to being knocked out cold at 67%. Losing 12 fights and 8 of those by knockout or TKO. He competes at lightweight and has a record of (8W-12L), staring his career with 5 straight wins but then met Gilbert Melendez who knocked him out and started the chain reaction of losses for Olaf. <p><center>No cool footage so here's a gif. <p><center>http://fat.gfycat.com/BountifulCleverBunny.gif <p><center><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmY8RX6uKmp9dfcXd8UoWVczw2vbMG1LUT1HSGCmRLw5rh/breaker.png" alt="breaker.png" /> <h2><center>No.2 - Bigfoot Silva <p><center>https://middleeasy.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Antonio-Bigfoot-Silva.jpg <hr /> <p><center>I'm quite certain that most of you recognize Bigfoot who was once a top-ranked guy in the UFCs heavyweight division and known for his granite chin. Since then Silva lost 8 out of his last 10 fights most of them by KO/TKO and has one of the highest percentages for being knocked out at 83%. Silva now holds a record of (19W-12L). I highly recommend that you watch Silva VS Mark Hunt, some call it a fight of the decade. <p><center>But first take a look at this knockout. <p><center>
src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmY8RX6uKmp9dfcXd8UoWVczw2vbMG1LUT1HSGCmRLw5rh/breaker.png" alt="breaker.png" /> <h2><center>No.3 - Andre Arlovski <p><center>https://combatdocket.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Andrei-Arlovski-UFC-174-678x381.jpg <hr /> <p><center>Another case of deterioration throughout the wars is the former UFC champion Andre Arlovski who was at one point in his career the most feared heavyweight in the world. The Pitbull did recently broke his 3 fight losing streak by winning VS Ben Rothwell yet years aways from old glory. Andre lost 10 of his 18 fights by KO/TKO and currently holds a record of (28W-18L). Now in his 40s I hope to see him hang them up soon. <p><center>Most remembered knockout is probably this one VS Fedor. <p><center>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TAJvo6LVtGc <p><center><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmY8RX6uKmp9dfcXd8UoWVczw2vbMG1LUT1HSGCmRLw5rh/breaker.png" alt="breaker.png" /> <p><center> <h2><center>Let me know what Yall think! <p><center>https://media.giphy.com/media/8lQyyys3SGBoUUxrUp/giphy.gif <h2><center>Thanks for stopping by, stay active! <p><center><strong>Photo Source: www.middleeasy.com, www.sherdog.com, Google <p><center><img src="https://cdn.steemitimages.com/DQmYhtAWD7WvyR3mkWugJYKD8C2xbjbKP4Jdw7HjUADfj4C/steem%20crta.png" alt="steem crta.png" /> <p><img src="https://steemitimages.com/DQmazpS1nCYDivgNSSkDPAwwJa8CC4dm6hNWvuNcAHCDyoG/finish.gifs" alt="finish.gif" />