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RE: STEEM QUEST #1 | Slay the Cave-troll

in #mmorpg7 years ago

The helmets are on and we will plow through whatever you need from us... I know its you that will be able to do all the fighting, and I'm thankful for it!

If you tell us what we can do, I'm sure there are many in my group that will do what is possible. I think the main things we can do is help to spread the message and keep people understanding what is really happening. I also think we can also show our support, so I will try to encourage that as well. If you can think of anything else, then let me know (I have already heard from many they are ready to help you and @fulltimegeek)...

Also on the delegation, I appreciate that and of course will continue to use it if you feel that is the best. But I hope you realize by now that I truly don't mind if you should need to take it back. As I said, your delegation meant more to me than the SP I received. If my portion would help to make this battle stronger, then I am fully onboard with doing my part.

I plan on being here for a very long time, so making sure this battle is won is something that is very important! I get it! So have no worries about me crumbling, I'm on you side of any battle for life!!! ;)


Hi Dave I don’t really understand what is happening here. Can you get me up to speed in plain english?

:) yes Mark...

I will be happy to explain.

There has been a group of people that have gamed or cheated and set up a whole bunch of accounts and gained a lot of control. They have got so much power that they are sorta in charge because of the way the system works. It has to do with your Reputation and your SP.

Essentially these guys cheat because they essentially just massively upvote their own stuff even though it is something a 4 year old could do. Then when anyone has tried to "flag" it (which is how we are supposed to police ourselves), these individuals used their power to destroy the lessor persons reputation.

One quick note: if two people have a disagreement the one with the higher reputation wins. That is how it is structured. So if me and you fought, I would win since my reputation is 55 and yours is 40. You can't hurt me by yourself, but I could hurt you. Of course I would never do that, and neither do most people here. But there is a group that does exactly that and they have got too much power so nobody can challenge them. This has led them to take a large % of the rewards every day. And they do it day after day because no one will challenge them. All of us get cheated because this group has gained all this power by essentially cheating the system to get there.

Finally someone has woken up and is going to do something about it. His name is @fulltimegeek. He is the one who started the #stewardsofgondor. To give you some background on what he did, he got so powerful that he wasn't comfortable with all his power. So he decided to delegate most all of it away to others who he felt would do a good job and help others. In that way he didn't carry his weight so heavy that he could be the sole decider of things.

But today he is coming back. He has had enough of the evil group and is going to attack them with his own power. He is taking back his delegated power from his "stewards" and he will once again have the ability to have lots of control over the situation. He will also have an army of people that will help him (like me, even though I am small) because he has earned respect from many for his selflessness and giving.

So that is why I am pointing this out because you should understand what he is doing. The whole system is beautifully designed but there is no one person in charge. So people have to get together to make changes or the place will fall apart. I have been aware of this problem for most of my time here. But not until today did we find someone that is willing to risk it all in the fight.

Does that explain it to you? Do you have any more questions, I'm happy to answer them!

@davemccoy if i was delegated 1k by @fulltimegeek was i a part of the SOG? If so Damn that’s awesome! Obsessed with LOTR I’ve been to Aragorns Ranch here in Malibu CA. Viggo has the Sword on his living room wall lol0BE841BF-4438-4CEC-B608-EE20A9EE4560.jpeg

So for me to help, what do I need to do

Awesome... That's what I love about you Mark, you are ready to support any force for good always! Even when you didn't know the facts, I knew you would be one that I could call on to help! That is a great trait and I admire you very much for that spirit!

The answer at this point is "pay attention"... We have no idea how this is going to play out but we should be aware of what is going on. And we can make sure to keep each other educated as to what is happening and find others to pay attention too. From there is may be something as simple as giving moral support, to rolling up our sleeves and helping heal the ones that may get caught in the crossfire. I have put out the word that we are ready if needed, so I'm sure if they need us they will tell us how we can help.

In the meantime keep doing what you're doing, I see the people that you are helping every day! I'm impressed and happy to have you as my teammate and my friend!

Well written I’m now up to speed. Sounds like the platform isn’t so decentralized after all and there are stronger ppl that shift the power here.
This in essence boils down to a flawed mechanic on the platform that squeezed through a user testing phase that wasn’t predicted. And now someone has found a way to alter the platform rules by exploiting a rule set that was never intended. In video games when i worked at activision we call these SEV 1 bugs! 🐜🐜🐜 these are platform flaws that need better rulesets in a steemit update to corse correct when a mechanic becomes broken or exploited. Any hearthstone players out there? If so when they adjust certain cards in the game on an update it’s because the game mechanic is unbalanced and that is exactly what it sounds like here as well. B6CFB6BB-CCC4-419C-AADA-71519388B62A.png

This looks like a worthwhile problem I’d be willing to rework in an exploratory series for solution solving if you guys think that’s valuable

I'm glad you got up to speed... You're fast! ;)

And I'm not so sure this is a bug. It may be the intention all along. In order to keep the platform from failing, a mechanism was put in that allowed the bigger players to exert control. In theory that means that the people that got big, did so because they earned the respect of others. And in most cases this was true (ie fulltimegeek delegated all of his SP to keep from having too much power and being tempted to exert too much influence).

But one group figured out how to game that and earn their reputation not through respect, but by cheating the system. In the beginning nobody paid much attention, but eventually the problem got worse. Finally the "leaders" are ready to deal with it, and the system has the mechanics in place to handle it. If they ban together, they will have enough power together to squash the problem.

SInce it is in all their interests that this platform succeed, it was just a matter of who had the courage to be "first"... @fulltimegeek was the one who said "I'll do it" and if you learn about what he has done you will understand that wasn't surprising. He has been selfless in his time here and tried to always serve the community.

So while it may seem like a bug in the system, in fact I would argue that the system was still designed brilliantly because it enables problems like this to be dealt with. It just takes leaders to lead. And information to spread. And sooner or later, the system will fix itself!

I'm glad to see you up to speed @theuxyeti! And I knew you would be on the right side! ;)

True. We call this still an unaccounted issue. I’m sure this mechanic wasn’t intended as a rule set though as it was built. It became exploitable based on behaviors. It can be unmade

It just takes a deep exploration on how to redesign the mechanic from continuing to happen. While there may be a community way to overcome this issue by flagging reputation repeatedly while receiving the backlash of the exploiters i agree if there are greater numbers of good steemians I’d hope we prevail. It just seems an interesting mechanic in the loyalty engine of things that things like this can happen which causes a fracture in the platforms behavior on the Blockchain. It’s a fascinating flaw. And it’s metaphorical in that the ppl can respond to destroy the ring similar. Sounds so exciting...


I’m excited to join the fight!

I'm working on a plan right now to "support" the troops... Obviously we aren't every going to be on the frontlines, since we are too new and so small.. But there are good ways we can do things and I have formed a few really good ways to do so.

I will fill you in over the weekend. I think you will like it and be up for it... Add me on discord at davemccoy#2479 and we will discuss in depth the plan this weekend! ;)

My immediate plan right off the top of my head is to create an entry field "subscribe" so to speak, I can look into it today at work... I think if we had a window that was created on a website or even here or something were a user simply inserts there Steemit @name into it and we LIST the users in a post of all the contributors to show the ARMY we have to defeat these guys. This would also act as a repository for @fulltimegeek to have at his disposal so I or We or Geek could then create a post when needed with all people tagged and we could UNITE to FLAG... Hey @aggroed , @themarkymark , or @patrice does this sound like something useful for the community to have? In essence this is the same as an email blast in POST form for GEEK and for the good side... Thoughts ?