in #moac7 years ago (edited)


In case you don't know yet MOAC airdrop is still on till 10th of September 2018 kindly use my Link for registration into the bounty, in 11 days from now the bounty ends guys so hurry! To share in the $300,000 worth of $Moac token in this bounty!

A pretty easy to do and interesting tasks, great reward incentives that worth the effort. Connect your social media accounts to the candy website and do some basic bounty task while you earn tokens for free, the more you complete tasks the more you earn, its basic and simple to do. In case you didn't get this at the beginning of the article here is my link again be kind enough to use it, thanks!

I came into the cryptospace at a time when the market was relatively young there was much more buzz and hype than now. There was the talk of new currency, coin, token and project every other week. There is the big names like John Mcafee, Brian Armstrong, Ian Balina etc endorsing various kinds of project almost every other day. We saw a rush into the market by the impatient, ignorant and greedy such that 2017 saw the highest market capitalization achieved ever in the history of the blockchain and ICO till date.

That brought a lot of problems with it as seen today in the low morale and interest level of both users and investors alike owing to the crash in the market witness across board. No one saw it coming or most people never knew it will come to this level where some coin reached its lowest low.

The worst hit are the ICOs. This is one very effective means for project to seek for funding. Here a project is expected to raise the needed amount in virtual currency with the primary focus on developing the project however it doesn't always work this way. I could cite examples of various kinds of projects that came out on ICO with a lot of hope and buzz suddenly gone silent but that isn't the scope for this blog. This are some of the many reasons.

  • They had only ideas and not necessary execution or implementation plans; they have the most enticing graphics on their website with well documented whitepaper pointing to future plans with all the bright colors going through your mind but they end up as scam; so yes SCAM! activities was one of the greatest undoing of the ICO market, people lost both faith and money and their enthusiasm and morale went low. 
  • Investors wanted profit only; remember I said the primary purpose of projects coming out on an ICO is the development of its plans but quite unfortunately, listing in an exchange took over that long time ago, chats in the project telegram group goes this way "when listing in exchange?" "when Lambo?" "Admin look on listing in Binance!" at such, projects fall into pressure and consider listing a priority than actual project development.

It's not that not listing initially as a first step in project progress equals development in most cases it is that even why the development is complete it doesn't have a significant impact on the project thereby making getting listed on an exchange a burden rather than a benefit for most applications. This is because the market value for most applications isn’t high, and liquidity is low. A centralized exchange can’t accommodate all dapp tokens, so it’s not cost-effective for ordinary dapp tokens to get listed.

MOAC proposes ATO (Asset- Based Token Offering)

The ATO is actually designed in a way that there is continue flow of funding in the project from start to product development without any compromise in quality or smooth riding of fundraising. The ATO includes both private equity investment and public offering and typically same mode of operation still in this model with slight modifications, private investors have their token locked for some period of time with increased bonus as an advantage which is forward thinking at best, it's to safeguard against dumping of the token.

Culled from MOAC Medium article here is how the ATO structure looks like; 

The  project party releases a limited number of native tokens which can be  subscribed to, with the price being based on historical sales  information and current supply and demand. The price function is public.  T=f(h, S, R1, R2). H=historical transaction. S=supply. R1=reserve.  R2=redeem.
Any investor can exchange native tokens with platform tokens. The native tokens will be locked after a certain period of time.
After the application is released, the user’s original native tokens can enter and be used directly in the application.
The project’s native tokens can be expended as service use certifications for the project.
The project party can periodically obtain a certain percentage of the reserve for project development.
Once the lockout period expires, users can choose to sell their native tokens and join the subscription pool.
The project party can choose to return part of the profit back to the system to increase the reserve.

This arrangement will benefit the project party in the following ways:

  •  Continue source of funding for project development from private investments.
  •  Project party do not bother about liquidity as native tokens have that without listing in an  exchange. 
  •  Much focus for development than market .
  •  Progress made on development will affect token value in the market positively.
  •  Provides an open and transparent way to return the project’s profits to the system. 

Investors will benefit in the following ways:

  •  Financing of the project is open and transparent as no manipulation can be carried out in the ATO model of running project.
  •  Speculation of any kind are greatly avoided as that kills token value before listing.
  •  Token value will reflect project value so as to protect the interest of the investors in the scheme of things.
  •  The project’s native currency has a certain liquidity that allows investors to choose whether to enter or get out.

This arrangement is much more effective than current ICO model owing to recent happenings where ICO either pauses or ends the campaign half way citing challenges MOAC is aiming at solving. 

MOAC addresses the performance and cost issues existing in current blockchains which has result in various discussion like the shift to a new kind of blockchain held by some bitcoin believers and the introduction of Lightning Network for Bitcoin transaction by bitcoin core dev team pushed by another section of believers, Ethereum planned move to prove of stake (POS), we are here to see how that goes. MOAC introduces the concept of sharding in the blockchain with new features that minimize the barrier to entry for developers, users, businesses, and the entirety of the blockchain ecosystem. The new platform achieves this by using a layered multi-blockchain architecture, blockchain sharding, microchain, smart contracts, and cross-chain capabilities.


It's great to actually know that just about anyone can enter into the project as token owner as MOAC runs successfully and smoothly. The image presented below are the various markets with link here where $Moac token is listed, currently at a low price.

You can find MOAC here



