How do you explain the benefits of your business before visitors leave your website?

in #mobile8 years ago (edited)

It’s always been a challenge to quickly and effectively explain the benefits of your product or service online before a visitor clicks off your page never to return.

seventhwave banner Med Crop.jpg

This was the challenge we faced when Nick Booth founder of the Seventh Wave Leadership Development Program approached us to create his new website which he wanted to be the digital hub of this fast growing global business.

Whilst being involved with management training with some of the top companies from all over the world, Nick identified a pattern which was causing issues at every organisation he worked with, something so simple that almost every business is probably guilty of it to some extent.

That is, employees who are good at their jobs are promoted into management positions with no thought to any form of leadership training, on the assumption that if they are good at doing the work they can show others how to do it just as well and be responsible for their new subordinates continued development.

This is almost never the case as in most circumstances the new leader and the people being lead see a drop in their results and overall effectiveness.

This was so widespread in all the companies that Nick worked with, that he developed the Seventh Wave. A series of workshops that over time take talented staff and give them the tools and skillsets to not only lead others but also work together and problem solve for the overall benefit of the organisation.

So back to our challenge how do we explain all that to a new visitor on Nicks website quickly and easily?

The obvious answer was to create a short video. This presented another challenge as Nick is constantly hosting Seventh Wave workshops all over the world.

So after agreeing a suitable script, Nick recorded it on Garage Band using the mic on his iPhone earphones (yes Apples earphone mic is that good!) then sent us the MP3 file that allowed us to create the video below.

It's fair to say Nick is pleased with the video which now has pride of place on his new homepage.

“That all looks absolutely fantastic well done indeed — back of the net and all that” Nick Booth.

The video was created using Camtasia 3 on a MacBook Pro, with text and graphics optimised for viewing on a mobile device. We also made the text flow with the speech so it would be easy to read if viewed with the sound off, as 70% of videos viewed on a smartphone are seen without sound. Also is a responsive website that auto-sizes for optimum viewing dependant on the device.

Last word, we’ve been through the Seventh Wave workshops so as to better understand Nicks business and they are a game changer, check out just a small selection of his testimonials on the home page

Nick has hundreds more, all of them Raving Fans!