Recently a Brand Mobile Companty Vivo Launching its various Mobile in the Market, with a Various Designs. its latest Device Design its New Notch type Design (Iphone Like ). Mobile Lover Love this Device and Appreciate this Design.
This time its Now coming its absolutely New Design like and New Range like Vios's Nex A and Nex S, the First ever Camera with an pop-up camera with near bezel free display and also Notch Design, The specialization of the camera which is hidden and emerges only when required.
Specification are as Follows:-
Display:- 6.59 Inch
Processor:- Qualcomm 2.2Ghz Octo-core
Ram:- 8 GB
Storage:- 128
Resolution:- 1080 x 2316 Pixel
Camera Rear:- 12 Megapixel
Camera Front:- 8 Megapixel
Os:- Android 8.1 Oreo
Battery Capacity:- 4000
This Device might come in India this July 2018. Hope we will See a Better Camera and a Flagship Phone By Vivo.