Facebook recently shared its statistics. In September 2015, Facebook had 1.55 billions of active users, 1.39 billions of those users visited it through mobile.
~90% of Facebook visitors during September 2015 were mobile user.
Facebook mobile users increased 23% year of year.
The future will be in real life
Today we spend most of our time on a ~5 inch screen. It's arguable that is healthy and that is making our social interaction worst. But what's worst? Watching a phone while walking or seating the entire day in a chair in front of a desktop computer?
Think mobile
The point of this blog post is simple, think mobile.
Your startup should be mobile first.
Focus on building a solid mobile UX. Don't waste your time thinking on desktop computer UX. Remember that today ~%90 of your users are potentially already on mobile.
- Facebook info, http://newsroom.fb.com/company-info/
- Facebook statistics according Zephoria, https://zephoria.com/top-15-valuable-facebook-statistics/
Federico Ulfo
Creative Software engineer
Very interesting
nice post,
Well I don't use facebook nor mobile internet
There is limited amount of things you can comfy do on a phone
Paying for internet on a mobile, for internet at home, internet at work (if you are the work provider) is a rip off, you can't possibly use full potential of what you pay for...
Which country are you from? In USA pretty much all mobile plans include internet data at a very very low cost. The point of my article is that I believe the same way Desktop are disappearing from our house, laptop will disappear too, we're only waiting to have a more efficient way to write w/o a keyboard, and laptop will be gone!
So my suggestion is to think mobile first when creating a new Internet app or website, or anything online pretty much.