MObillink is the First Decentralized Mobile Telecom Company that aims to eliminate all mobile monthly fees by replacing the smartphone user's current mobile SIM card with a MOBILINK-SIM Card.
- Token: MOBL
- MOBL = 0.10 USD
- Platform Ethereum
- Accepting ETH, BTC, LTC, BCC, DASH
- Minimum investment $300
- Available for sale 3,100,000,000 MOBL
- Total supply 9,000,000,000 MOBL
Join now and get free coin

is it free for all users ?
You can participate in the airdrop. You get some free coin for doing some tasks ( join telegram, twitter..)
Coins mentioned in post:
In there Pdf white paper it indicates that ICO is closed to Canadian and Us residents etc, but that you can sitll buy Sim card from them when up and running, So basicallly Canaidans and US residents due to thier ICO laws are not able to invest in this intial offering?, can i as a canadain resident still use the service for free after the end of the ICO, can i sitll collect the crytpo curriencies that it is based on.will i be able to share in the payout from advertisers etc. Could you clairfy what i have mentioned above thanks
Sorry i can’t help you. Maybe You have to ask a lawyer if it’s allow or not
أشكرك صديقي على المعلومات الجديدة التي تتفنا بها, على كل الأحول لا اميل الى التوكن كثيرا وهي جدا مربكة
مرحبا اخي الكريم كما سبق الذكر انا شخصيا لا استثمر مالي الخاص وإنما احصل عليها عن طريق التوزيع المجاني
وهذا ما اروج له في هذا المقال .
مشروع طموح جدا لكن جد معقد
how is this "decentralized"?
Mobilink présente la meilleure offre IDD pour les États-Unis, le Royaume-Uni et le Canada, grâce à laquelle tous les utilisateurs de Jazzink et de Jazzink peuvent bénéficier des tarifs d'appel les plus bas pour leurs proches vivant aux États-Unis, au Royaume-Uni et au Canada. Avec Mobilink USA, au Royaume-Uni et au Canada, faites des appels à des tarifs abordables vers ces destinations internationales en composant simplement le 456 depuis votre carte SIM Mobilink.
merci pour les nouvelles informations
pas de quoi soyez le bienvenu!
Awsome app.......
Good post,useful also..........
تحية مغربية وعربية يا بطل بالتوفيق دمت متألق
شكرا أخي