Respect your body

in #modesty8 years ago

Really ladies REALLY!!?? This is going to be quick and to the point because I am falling asleep. But reading through the most recent posts trying to find ppl to follow who I can relate to for about the past 45minutes and have seen WAY too much of some of your bodies. If you want to take half naked pics and put them on here for the world to see that's your choice. BUT no one and I mean no one will respect you as a woman because you CLEARLY do not respect yourselves enough to have some..humility. Leave something for the imagination ladies because most men while liking to look will never want to be in a relationship with someone who shows herself to complete strangers on social media of all places. And most females consider you dirty and attention seakers. If your not a porn star or making some porn or trying out for porn(none of that is on this site) then put your damn clothes on!!! I'm not sure how to do everything on here yet but if I could flag you or block you I so would. Why would anyone respect you if you don't respect yourself??
Some ppl just have no..shame, morals..set such low standards for yourself and how the world sees you.
Ok rant overc8122bdbb61ee35cc284cce2e0d9129e--body-shaming-woman-body.jpgif-you-respect-your-body-enough-to-put-modest-clothes-on-then-more-people-will-respect-you-as-a-quote-1.jpg


Shhhh! Dont ruin it for the perverts like me :)

But... I never vote up women that show too much skin.

