As horrible as it might sound to you, stopping this anti-pedophile spook that society has gotten it's self into.
That's how we protect our children.
I can explain how if you want, and why, but I won't go into it unless you want me to.
But to answer your questions, as I know many pedophiles personally and have "worked" with them, they don't look at children and think they're "hot."
Before you go further, you might want to consider skipping down to where this post is separated as this may trigger the fuck out of you.
Anyhow, their sexuality is different than others, as is their sexual culture. Things are based on cuteness and sillyness rather than hot and sexy, and that applies to them too. They don't want to simply "fuck" a child like most normal people want to "fuck" their boyfriend or girlfriend. The sex they want isn't about control, degrading, cumming, or abusing the child, but, to weird you out even more, apparently its about bonding and p-p-p-pleasuring the child.
Before you pull out your metal rods and start roasting me or throwing up in the sink, I'm simply describing what they've described to me. They acknowledge that (at least in this culture) sex with children can be harmful, no matter how good they treat the child and how much the child may like it, as this culture is not okay with it you cannot guarantee the child will be when they grow up. They love children, sorry to say, and thus they abstain because they don't want to hurt them, even if they see it as unlikely.
As to why they like what they like, to get even more cringey, it's just like homosexuality, they always liked kids. They liked their personalities, the lack of hair, the super-fem look, and eventually the size and the rest of them as that's what they grew to love and be used to.
I speak strictly of pedophiles here, genuine ones, not the sick child abusers like the one you likely saw a video of. Statistically 86% of child molesters have no attraction to children or even scenarios involving them.
Those are the real monsters we hear about, not pedophiles.
I have seen such videos too; and I've personally helped, uhm, rescue the children and...well I never knew what happened to the abuser. I really don't care.
Those I worked with were primarily pedophiles, who also hated such videos and the abuse therein. Just as much as you shivered and were troubled me as well as they once were too.
Sadly most children who are in child porn are truly abused, and a good (bad?) portion are violently abused. That's why, apparently, my pedophile friends do not watch child porn (leisurely), as the videos are all about penetration, force, degrading, etc, rather than what they want. That shit just makes them sad and angry just like us.