Life with a toddler

in #momlife β€’ 8 years ago

Hi there! Me again!20170519_210928.jpg

Ive been thinking a lot lately about toddlers, mainly because my daughter is now classified as one 😭.

Toddlers are amazing little humans. To think just one year ago my daughter couldnt even roll from her back to her belly. Now, she's running, jumping & climbing! Its crazy to think about all the changes the adorable kids go through in such a short amount of time.

She went from being totally dependant on me to feed her and play with her, to being this tiny little independant person who feeds herself. The change from one year ago to now is amazing.

Now onto the fun part of toddlerhood πŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ
I thought most kids got their 'temper' when they turned two, hense the 'terrible twos'. I think my kid is broken lol and i mean that in those most loving way. She has THE worst temper haha my husband jokes that she 'got it from her mama' πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ im pretty sure im finding grey hairs daily lately on myself with how crazy she is. 20170704_181336.jpg
This is the face she makes when shes mad at me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ she also stomps her foot and points at me while yelling when shes really pissed πŸ˜‚

Toddlerhood is an amazing, wonderful, and sometimes scary time, but i wouldnt trade it for anything in the world. This little girl makes my heart full and i am so incredibly blessed to be her mother!

Please comment below funny stories of your kids or kids you know going through toddlerhood! ❀❀❀


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woww.. that sweet girl is cute!

Hi friend, very good !!!!!
You would help me with a vote in my post., Thanks !!! ;)

I bet she opened that cupboard behind her

She did! I told her no and this was the look she gave me πŸ˜‚