I don't wish death upon many people unless they wish it upon themselves.
I was attempting to not be mean, but still talk shit about monarchy, really. I've got nothing against her, personally (as opposed to politically), and even if I did this wouldn't be the day.
Any evil she may have done, she was allowed to do via being born into an aristocratic system that gave her legal power over others by virtue of birth, with little to no accountability.
At least when our politicians do horrible things or protect their children from accountability, at least theoretically we've either got legal recourse or could at least vote them out. Such power is temporary, not lifelong and based on nothing other than lineage.
And yes... I'm aware the royals are mostly just figureheads at this point and have outwardly declared their agnosticism towards policy... Just saying. It's not entirely ceremonial, they're still welfare queens, and just thinking of the whole concept of monarchies makes me feel more patriotically American.