Peony Blossom
Phlox - David
I hope you enjoyed seeing all my flowers that start with the letter "P" from my garden photography. Have a great week everyone.
Until next time, this is Sunscape...
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Lovely flowers, well done!
Thanks, Keith.
All of those Ps are gorgeous!
Tee hee, thanks! I went back and started with A's today. lol
Those are some beauties!
So many lovely Ps!
Thanks, Melinda. I started with the A's today. lol
That's a good plan!
I had lots of the "P" set that I grow here. Never could abide the smell of petunia, though they do give a nice splash of color all season. Pansies with bold faces are a big favorite here.
I love pansies too. Petunias do well for me to fill in empty spaces.