Ahhh yes no Monero is not oversold brooooo i mean ya it could go dowwwwnnn in the short teeerrmmm but broooooooo i mean hahah look its gonna be what people use! hha dude i can promise you monero will be as expensive as bitcoin and bitcoin will be way higher
and THANK you for telling @j1337 that those types of comments get him flagged and yes i had to flag him!
I dont like flagging people but I will just tell j1337 that i would have had nio problem with him leaving his link if he would have simply rephrased it better and made it a real message that included at least something from my post..... but no he began with "This is absolutely the best fee guide to get the most bitcoin" hahaha bro thats just obviously a scam
AND i must confess I used to and probobly still do post comments like this or that sound like this when i promote steemit on instagram and reddit and some people accuse me of spamming on reddit even tho it was was not... but i dont blame peopel for assuming it was... i was going too fast tryuing to hard to promote steemit on reddit and i ended up sounding like a spammer!
What you have to do is take the post and really write a good comment and THEN SEGWAY into your referral link Organically
Yeah, that's how I got to steemit, someone left a steemit link on a YouTube comment. If not for such spam I probably won't be here discussing with great guys such as you and others. But the link I got was just steemit.com with no ref, had it come with a ref, I probably would've ignored it thinking it's just another spam. Lol
I'll be considering getting Monero, made a newbies mistake and bought BCH😂Now my portfolio is down like 50%. Hehehe
im glad my steemit link on youtube comments worked!
just buy bitcoin EOS and steem! maybe some monero and bitconnect tokens to stake in your bcc staking wallet.... maybe also buy some golos!(on bittrex then power up your golos account
Do you leave steemit links on random youtube channel comment section? That is awesome, who knows whether the one I saw was yours. Hehehehe