How to run a Monero Node
If you want to get started with running monero refer --
also in past i have written a blog to getting started with monero.
Setting up cli wallet
Refer cli wallet.
Here first of all download, monero command line.
tar jxvf linux64
cd monero
Importing wallet
If you already have created wallet somewhere else, so you might want to import it in monero-cli-wallet.
Follow before steps for this --
./monero-wallet-cli --restore-deterministic-wallet # to import monero account
Then give your wallet a name and password, provide seed for your account. Congratulation, your account has been imported.
Syncing wallet
Now, either we run a monero node ourself or use a public node, be cautius here. In my opinion, community approved nodes are best option here. Refer this for community node.
I am using
at port 18089 myself.
Enter below command for syncing your wallet with remote node.
./monero-wallet-cli --daemon-host <host-url> --daemon-port <port-number>
Currently, there are about 1.6 million blocks on monero blockchain so it will take about 6-7 hrs in syncing.
Transaction in monero
Start wallet with ./monero-wallet-cli.
In monero wallet cli, enter :
balance #checking balance
transfer <account> <amount> #for transferring monero.
You can also provide an unique identifier to transaction. This results, in generation of integrated address. And then payments made to this address, can be identified.
Refer this for how long transactions take.
Additions Topics
I would be happy to extend this tutorial by appending additional topic on monero. Feel free to comment, if you want any addition or correction in this post.