While deciding which cryptocurrencies to buy, I mentioned that I would like to buy Monero.
Monero over the past 3 months. You can view the chart for Monero on Yahoo finance.
How to get started with Monero?
- You can use the public wallet and node at My Monero. Note that this is not very secure and you won't be reaping the benefits of Monero's privacy. It's good to get started and for small amounts, but it's not ideal.
- You can install a private wallet and node directly from Monero downloads.
- Top up your wallet from an exchange like Kraken or Evercoin.
That's right, take it! Take it all! You like that, don't you?
There is a great guide from Monero Eric to get you up and running. Note that this guide is slightly outdated as there is now a GUI for Monero too. Just check under downloads. I prefer using the command line, so Monero Eric's guide is perfect for me. However, the GUI is pretty good and it will guide you through the process of getting a wallet, downloading and syncing with the massive blockchain, and even Monero mining!
Remember to protect your principal investment by building a diverse portfolio, and decide how you're going to ensure adequate return. As mentioned, I'm picking five cryptocurrencies and putting a little bit of my overall portfolio into them by splitting the crypto segment five ways. Then we wait. Profit???
Glad you found it helpful! I'm just starting with crypto myself. We'll see where it goes.