RE: THE DOORS / *An american prayer *pers.infos Facebook IDENTITY THEFT {*eYe*}CENSORSHIP ? CONTEST: **Capture**({(Giveaway of 15 MZN currently at 2.02 USD on May 5th)}) @jerrybanfield Jerry Banfield BAN({[GOTCHA]})NED from FACEBOOK after spending 120,000 US$
Thanks for commenting my post. What does 'illegable' mean, if I may ask? Now that banjo @banjo commented, it's gonna get even more chaotic. Thanks for your precious upvote. Let's hope @inertia will not strike flag me to 0$ -._peace
I think I'm beginning to understand. Humans have constructed a machine designed to gather information from them. Therefore your dialogue is made up of fragments of what you have been told.
I think I'm beginning to understand. Humans have constructed a machine designed to gather information from them. Therefore your dialogue is made up of fragments of what you have been told.
Nirvana - Lithium (Live at Reading 1992)
Smart bot. you're not reading and comprehending.