From childhood to adulthood I have always been unlucky, and I always lose property. I have lost four phones, many computers, and money ... my first gift to my lover, has not opened the gift yet I lost ... 😩 I'm too tired for myself. Today, I'm very curious about whales, so I sent $ 11 to whales @bellyrub ... But it was bad! My internet site is faulty and I did not send my article link to him .. I do not know if the whale receives the money I send, and if he remembers me? 😢 I click on the word "promote" in the article whale ... I do that right? I do not know whales, who can answer my question? Thank you! I am looking forward to and hopefully
For everyone, the money is small but to me - a student away from home .. that money is very important to me ..
Now more than 10.00 nights in Vietnam, I am still unable to sleep ...
I was too accustomed to losing my possessions and property, so I quickly gained optimism. I think that "losing money will have a way to make money again"
"The amount of money we pay for each lesson is too little, only when we lose our money and learn from experience."
I only write a few lines like that, because if you are me you will also regret the thing you lost. Empathy for me**..
//////////////Edited: Due to internet problems and ignorance, I was wrong.) I did not send SBD to the whale, but I sent it to null! I did not know that I sent 11 $ for null. Everyone depositing money into @null will be lost. So do not click the "promote" button like me 😪This is a link to an article about @null:
유년기에서 성인기에 이르기까지 나는 항상 운이 좋지 않았으며 나는 항상 재산을 잃습니다. 나는 4 대의 전화, 많은 컴퓨터 및 돈을 잃어 버렸습니다 ... 내 연인에게 첫 번째 선물을 주면서 선물을 열지 못했지만 나는 잃어 버렸습니다 ... 나는 건망증과 호기심 때문에 몸에 너무 지쳤습니다. 오늘 저는 고래에 대해 매우 궁금합니다. 그래서 고래들에게 10 달러를 보냈습니다. 😖하지만 나빴습니다! 내 인터넷 사이트에 결함이있어 나는 그에게 내 기사 링크를 보내지 않았다. 고래가 내가 보낸 돈을받는다면 나는 모른다. 그가 나를 기억한다면? article 나는 기사 고래에서 "승진"이라는 단어를 클릭 ... 나는 그 일을 올바르게합니까? 나는 고래를 모른다. 누가 내 질문에 대답 할 수 있니? 고맙습니다! 나는 앞으로도 희망적으로 ..
모두를 위해, 돈은 작지만 나에게 - 집에서 멀리 떨어져있는 학생. 그 돈은 나에게 매우 중요합니다.
베트남에서 11시가 넘은 밤, 지금은 잠을 잘 수가 없습니다 ...
나는 소유물과 재산을 잃는 것에 너무 익숙해 져서 빨리 낙천주의를 얻었습니다. 나는 "돈을 잃으면 다시 돈을 벌 수있는 방법이있을 것"이라고 생각합니다.
"우리가 돈을 잃고 경험으로 배울 때만 우리가 각 공과에 대해 지불하는 돈은 너무 적다."
나는 당신이 잃어버린 일을 후회할 것이기 때문에 나는 그저 몇 줄을 쓴다. 나를위한 공감..!!
By: @a-alice
Thank for reading ❤️
I'm not a good blogger, what I bring to people is my thoughts on life!
So funny 😂
It's never good to talk negatively about yourself. Doing that only reinforces your beliefs that keep you repeating the negative patterns of your past.
What you talk about in this post, how you're unlucky and have a tendency to lose things -- that's your PAST. Just because you used to be like that doesn't mean that you have to be that way anymore.
You can make the choice to change right now!
Drop your identification with all that nonsense. You aren't unlucky, you just made the mistake of thinking that you were and thus created a self-fulfilling prophecy.
That's the beauty of our genes (DNA), through "epigenetics" our change of beliefs and lifestyles (diet, exercise, social habits, etc.) can change gene expression, meaning, tendencies of behavior and outcomes, like you've described, can be changed, all the way down at the genetic level -- it essentially "re-wires" your whole system.
To think positively and to expect health is to be healthy and positive. Once you have your mindset on the right course, things will play out a lot more smoothly and beneficially in your life.
Your advice is good! It has had a tremendous impact on me. Now I'm having fun! 😄 We can always cry, but we are not allowed to be sad. !! Thank you for the advice 😄
That's good. Fun is good, I like that :)
I like that quote!
Of course it's OK to feel sad at times, it's a very human thing and it's not healthy to resist emotions. But it's also not healthy to hold onto them and dwell on them. Sometimes it helps us to remind ourselves that we're people that experience emotions, not the emotions themselves. Identification with negatively experienced emotions will only lead to more of them in the future and likely break us down (psychologically/ emotionally) over time by the stress that it adds to our bodies/ minds.
Thank you for listening and taking the time to deliver your own bit of wisdom :)
!! I really admire you. And it looks like you are in addition to Steemit you are a writer? I see all your sayings are philosophical, humanity it really meant for advice. 😄
I always need to hear wise advice from you. Because I do not know much, I have to learn more from the older and more experienced.
Ah, I'm not worthy of your admiration, but I appreciate that wonderful compliment.
You seem like a wonderful person and I bet I could learn a lot from you too.
That's the thing about wisdom, as long as you really pay attention and listen to people, they all have something to share from their experiences that will enlighten you a bit more, even children! You're a lot smarter than you think you are!
I really like reading books ! And you are like the book I want to read 😄 I'm 18 years old, I really have to learn from you. Haha .. How long do you participate in Steemit? For me, I love the talented, I always want to be close with them to learn more: D
Think 2 times ,plan or take some advice from others before taking any action.
I gurantee you that you will never loose anything in life :)
And allways remember we came empty hand and we will go empty hands,all lefts here after death whether we gain or loose.
thank you! You are so nice ! I appreciate your advice: D and more important than matter is the happiness that each person creates.
Just keep trying. Use different ways to achieve your goal. One of them
certainly will work!
think so. Only work compensates for the loss.
Exactly, don't give up. You may fall often but you have to stand up again and again also when it hurts and I know that it hurts belive me.
By the way, it's really nice from @xaero1 he gave you a big upvote.
Thank you for reading my post, although my post is very boring. Sometimes sad life makes us cry, but we will find the way to overcome. 😆
Exactly :)
I must thank him very much! He helped me when I was just a new and taught me a lot about Steemit !! I will have a thank you to him! Really grateful to him!
This would be nice if you would thank you.
Of course. I also thank you!
don't worry, I'm unlucky too sometimes, youre still beautiful, cheers
Thank you for your comment :D
At least losing money can help you learn from the mistake (I know it well). Good luck!
I think so 😢
Thank you, I am grateful! thank you very much from the beginning..
I'm lucky when I'm not lucky you all help 😢
So sorry to hear that, alice. S**t happens all the time - no need to lose sleep and worry about it - if you can't fix it, just move forward. You already seem to have made the amount lost from the upvotes here so... it's all good now!
Thanks for your advice. I know where I made a mistake! I was ignorant when I made a mistake and clicked on the upgrade button. Because my internet was faulty at the time, I did not know I was doing wrong. Thank you for taking the time to advise me. I have learned a lesson for myself.
Don't worry @a-alice, you are already doing well! Money and material things comes and goes, we need to think which things in life truly makes us happy. Its not a happy life to always think what you don't have and what you need more, than be thankful and feel joy about the things you already have. Every sunrise is a new beginning and everytime I feel that warm ray of light in the morning on my face, I feel happy.
Thanks for your advice. I know where I made a mistake! I was ignorant when I made a mistake and clicked on the upgrade button. Because my internet was faulty at the time, I did not know I was doing wrong. Thank you for taking the time to advise me. I have learned a lesson for myself.
I also realize that money is not everything. The more important in life is the fun!
Yea, sometimes shit happens. But then we learn about it. Hey @a-alice can you check my new post and tell me if you like it :)
U have same experience with me, i also tranfer my sbd to @null without i aware. I loose some my sbd. I dont know what's going on too.
My network is faulty .. 😢 I do not know that I sent $ to @null .. and I am mistaken that I sent to the whale ..
I used to be unlucky but then I started to enter giveaways and I actually win a lot now. Wishing you some luck in the future.
I Upvoted your post. I enjoy learning about new people and different cultures.
Any way if you and anyone reading this would like to see my #vacation post
Check it out
Yes thank you and i upvoted and followed you!
sorry about this please visit my page and read my topics and follow me thanks my friend
Yes i will follow your post ❤️
So sorry for your SBD loss, but do not be too hard on yourself. I too am unlucky, but that is life. Ignorance is normal for until you know something, you simply don't know it..that is learning...and a part of life and growing wiser. I saw a good quote in RD the other day.."If you had to go back and fix all of your mistakes you would erase yourself" (Louis CK I believe) I thought it was kind of true..haha.
You have a good heart, that is obvious, and that is worth much more than SBD. I hope you get it back in short time. You are one of my favorites here on steemit and I am sure many others feel the same. Upvote, resteem and a big smile for you today from me dear friend. Give your lover a big kiss and I am sure he will forget you lost his gift, it would surely work on me haha.and much more memorable. 😁
thank you very much. You are my longest friend on Steemit. I have not seen you recently. 😢
I am saddened by SBD and I learned new lessons. And I find the price for a lesson too cheap!
So sorry to hear that, i upvoted your post and Steemit is a great place and community, you win back your money from this post, keep up the good work dear friend! I resteemed some of your posts, i hope i can help you a bit with that :)
But who is null @@ ?My network is faulty .. 😢 I do not know that I sent $ to @null .. and I am mistaken that I sent to the whale ..
Null is a steemit account designed by the steemit creators to burn SBD that people use to promote their posts.
about a month ago I was questioning about the same ting and people where very useful at the comment section. you can check it out a post I did about Null here
see ya ^^
Thank you for your comment! ❤️
I sent @null 2 times .. :( (( The first time since I did not know, I was curious about the "promote" button .. The second time was when I sent $ 11 to the whale: ((I was wrong times and again sent to @null. Like lost right? 😖
If you have transfer this 11 SBD to null I'm afraid it is indeed lost... But I am curious, to which whale you were trying to send 11 SBD ?
I intend to send to @bellyrub 😭 but I do not know send. I click on the "promote" of @bellyrub 🌚 and forever I know I sent rull.
oh my god, don't do that lol
you have to make a transfer to bellyrub from your wallet sending the value you want to use and the link for your post in the memo field,
if you click in the promote button it doesn't matter if it is on your post or a post of another person, will will be sending that money to null account in order to promote that post in the promotion tab, understand?
Keep striving and always look forward to a better tomorrow! You can do it!
Thanks for your advice. Your words give me motivation. You are so nice ! 😄
I'm not sad anymore either. I'm just complaining but I'm not sad. I have optimism: D
Thats good to hear. I think its fine to complain as long as you are still optimistc to a better future which you already have. Keep it up!
Hehee I am glad you give me advice: D
you are most welcome!
Good luck @a-alice, I upvoted you. enjoy and be happy! :)
Thank you very much. You are so kind!! I do not know what to do for you ... But I'm grateful to you! 😄
Just be happy @a-alice :)!
Still haven't quite grasped the whole Steemit mechanism, but it seemed that you had sent it to the wrong party? I am sure you can earn that back in the near future. Keep the work up!
(great reference for me too :))
: ((as you say .. I do not know much about Steemit ! so many times I have trouble here.
well, take it as an investment and learn from the mistake :) we all are learning after all. Can consult you in future too.
I want to ask you a question. Have you ever used whales? What do you think it is?
I still haven't try using whales as I have limited sbd and sp. for now, still focus to work on my content. To me, whales are like grandmaster in the Steem community with high reputation and capacity. One upvoted from them means a lot to newbie.
I see whales ever upvote for us? Unless we send SBD to whales.
That's right?
Not that I am aware of. Still small to be notice by the whales. Sending sbd to whales, not sure that those whales are bots or real humans. Still learning about these structure.
Hmm.. you didn't send anything to @bellyrub you sent it to promotion.
I sent it to bellyrub, why send it to null ? @@ 😰
I just know I clicked wrong on that. Is that right?
You didn't send anything to bellyrub, you clicked the promote button.
Please explain to me @@omg !! What does that button mean? @null is who ??
chắc do mạng laggg em không điền tên nên mặc định là null thì phải
I'm sorry. I understand! my ignorance is bothering you ..
Please accept my apology. ...
Forgive me for my ignorance
Đồ con gà :))))
Thank you 😄