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RE: The Entity Controlling The Economic System Is Much Larger Than The Fed:Rob Kirby

in #money8 years ago

Yeah its crazy how these entites like federal reserve can just be private banks, everyone knows its wrong and yet they let it hapen, when peopel start making momey they get really complacent but bitcoin and cryp[to p[eopel are ACTIVE and so for first time in history a massive and FAIR a decentralized COMPLETELY NATURAL transfer of wealth is occurring making a whole generation of smart people rich...the smart tech savvy bitcoin people who are gonna get rich of crypto theyre all going to be changing the world for the better

if cool p[eople like us made up all the worlds investors, we would be giving all our money to cool people like Elon Musk for tesla motors and spacex and coloniizng mars and the moon and we would have low earth orbiot economy going

we would throw moneyt at stuff that is just COOL we would INSPIRE the world

Yes and to distract yourselves from this august 1st segwit split bitcoin craziness, watch this relaxing cold fusion TV video about biotcoin JUST came out and colfudion makes AMZING videos and he REALy captures technology andhpow important it all is