hah u might win1 BD but untill then i just gave u a 100 peretfull pwer upvote! u get 9 cents!
I just basicaly gave you over 20 cnte in upvotes just now!
just upvoted ur whoel wall!
If u make some eexpectional posts aboout MARKETINg steemit i will resteem u
I wana see u actually ake a YOUTUBE video ABOUT steemit or pmake facebo posts so u can get ur facebook friendsto joinsteemit and follow u!
u should reallly make postsaout how ur tryinto get peopel to oin steemit and the whales will reward you!
just pretend you are the marketing diirector for steemit! gve urself a position orkingf or steemit like I did! become a regional arketing director! market and avdertise steemit inYOUR local area!
And i just upvoted ur comments
Thank you very much.
I'll work on making that Facebook post. Been telling my friends about steemit though.
Thank you for the upvotes, i'm literally doing a joyful steemit dance🙆💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃💃.....lol
I am now the First Lady of steemit 👸👸👸👸.
Thank you very much, I'm beyond grateful...