Thank-you @gmichelbkk this is a great reply. And thanks for providing those details I wasn't sure precisely. It is something to consider.
All respect to TransferWise, it's a great site, and have also gone up against the banks. I hope folks use your referral link too, for filling in these gaps.
Yes, they've got some real competition coming (but slowly) from crypto. This article for instance. The market could look quite different this time next year.
BTW: It's cheaper to use Bitcoin for sending money overseas than Transferwise, if you're able to buy it without going through Coinbase. I'm sure there are ways to do this. (Or possibly by depositing the money into your EUR Coinbase account.. but which also takes days.) This still makes Bitcoin the cheapest solution.! You don't need to be online at the same time. All you need is the public address. Or you could email them from in Coinbase, and they can sign up at their end.
Thanks to you for your participation @ade-greenwise because it's how we want discussions on Steemit.
Agreed!. I just updated my last post. Crypto still beats TransferWise in my book, if you already own a large amount of bitcoin, by having made a bank desposit first.
But, I don't like Paypal !
Also , you can open a borderless account with TransferWise, which is another option for regular senders.
I just wish @ade-greenwise that crypto would be integrated with TransferWise.