The Government is Eating Your Pension

in #money8 years ago

Pensions are 33% LOWER now than they were in 2008 directly because of the interest rates set by the central banks.

In other words, YOUR government is consciously & deliberately making YOU poorer to enrich banksters & the 0.1% & there's nothing you can do about it (or is there?)

There's a DIRECT link between YOUR paltry pension rate and the enormous wealth transfer from the poor (US!) to those who control the politicians.

I'm not someone who just rants about things & then does nothing, I want to figure out how to DO SOMETHING. Here are my suggestions (apart from blowing up parliament obviously, because you'll get in trouble for that):

1). Stop paying into your pension, it's a scam. The government attempts to encourage pension savings by giving you tax breaks. It's like a gangster that comes into your shop each week & takes 30% of your earnings saying 'tell you what, because I'm a stand-up guy, I'll only take 25% from now on if you'll give me another 5% that I'll keep safe for you in my pocket. It's yours, you can have it anytime you want in 40 years time.' Governments continually meddle with the rules, once the money is in that hole, you've lost ALL control over it.

2). Invest the money set aside for your pension into assets that can be more easily protected from the government (and those who control them). This is exactly what I'm doing, every month I invest a set amount in crypto-currency (no matter what the markets are doing). You could also invest in physical stuff like gold, silver, land etc.


The system is rigged. Can't do much about it. The wealth transfer from the middle class to the banks and government is perpetuating inequalities

Our government is ready to give pensions
Even retired army officers are going regular to banks to take their money but they're refusing it.

Which country are you in?

Pensions are a scam, but like all effective scams they pay a percentage and it will always look enticing. You are better off making your own retirement fund.