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RE: Fiat vs Gold vs Bitcoin - You decide??

in #money7 years ago

I'll be a contrarian here. Just read an article that claims bitcoin is going to $55,000 in 5 years(2022) because people are dumping gold for crypto's(bitcoin). It seems to me that any tangible asset would be as valuable as gold if fiat becomes worthless from a gallon of gas to food, guns even alcohol, real estate, automobiles, anything with a practical use would be valuable for trade(bartering would come back into vogue again most likely). so, have a lot of useful things and you should be able to survive getting by, doesn't have to be gold. i do think some bubbles will be popped here pretty soon, but I don't see the collapse of the economy in our lifetimes. I know some people are a lot more pessimistic. I hope they're wrong.