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RE: German Central Bank Warns Not To Use Bitcoin As It Is Not Backed By A Central Bank

in #money8 years ago

Dear Jeff. Please could you keep the sarcasm down. Poor old carl-ludwig, he is having a bugger of a time of it. As the man who is responsible for the Cash Department and the Payments and Settlement Systems Department of bundesbank, he has a very hard time juggling the €650Bn exposure the bank has to other European Rothschild-owned central banks under the target2 payments debacle.

So when he says that the fully liquid, backed by proof-of-work, multi-verified, zero-debt, fraudproof, secure and growing in value daily, monthly and yearly bitcoin isnt as good a bet as your super-brilliant, backed by sweet-fuck-all, value-dropping, debt-ridden, junk bond issued by corrupt european central bankers (who are personally and directly responsible for causing war, poverty and economic stagnation across Europe), you had better listen up Berwick! This man has a LAWWWWW degree. He has been at the centre of impoverishing nations through the ECB for decades. What have you done eh? Made yourself, and loads of other people rich through encouraging them to take responsibility of their own financial futures... Promoted not bombing brown skinned people and raping their ancient and cultural lands for oil, minerals and other resources. You utter cad. Have you any idea how hard it is to create the NWO one-world-fasco-communist state with this bloody bitcoin (and public blockchain in general). We must REGULATE IT OUT OF EXISTENCE. Oh shit. We cant. Quick, turn on the TV....swallow of those blue pills the doc gave you. Ah thats better. All is ok now.....