Ep. 2. Tech Investing: IBM Quantum Computer

in #money6 years ago

This is Tech Investing episode 2. I am going over IBM and their Quantum Computer. It is the first commercially integrated Quantum Computer. Technology investing can bring huge growth to your wealth so read on to find out more.

click to find more video https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcVfx2kAoX9GZUFvVHS4SYw?sub_confirmation=1

Looking at IBMs data, This company has been around for a while and so far has pretty solid numbers. This company has had some huge growth in the last few months since the cam out with the quantum computer.

When looking at IBMs stock information like P/E ratio and EPS, best thing to see is what kind of industry or what kind of company is it and match it up with those indicators. Having a dividend on a tech company that pays quarterly just makes this company so much better to be involved with.


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I am only telling you what I am doing not encouraging or telling you what to do. You decide what to do with your own funds.
Have a wonderful day!!!