I wrote at the Corbett Report:
James I’m elaborating on my comment in your other related blog.
This scripted dog and pony show is really about isolating the USA so that the nation-states will agree to move to a NWO reserve currency that is not controlled by any one nation. Bitcoin was created by the powers-that-be to REKT the nation-states. The globalists are doing creative destruction to move their control to 10 Kings stage in the 666 Revelation paradigm.
To understand the big picture, first understand the impending dollar short-vortex that is underway. This is going to drive an international capital stampede into the dollar as the rest of the world goes into debt reset contagion due to the fact the rest of the world is either overloaded with debt and/or their debts are too heavily weighted in dollars. Most people do not understand that this will drive a stampede into the safe haven of the US dollar. Stock markets rise with rising interest rates contrary to the BS the MSM is current preaching!
So the powers-that-be (i.e. the Zionists) are scripting a show to make the world hate the USA. Trump was put into office by Wikileaks (as I predicted in advance) which is controlled by Rothschilds on purpose in order to play this role of the angry white man racist that the entire world will hate. Research who Assange lived with before he went into the Ecuador embassy. Also Assange’s posts on Cyberpunks mailing list decades ago exemplify that he is a globalist sympathizer.
The Zionists are going to blame their by-design debt crisis on Trump and the USA.
I wrote at the Corbett Report: