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RE: Get Ready for a World Currency

in #money8 years ago (edited)

It is just a gold rush for the first insiders or minions of the PTBs.

As I wrote already in the comment post you are replying to, my design attempts to remove the control over the consensus algorithm that any economy-of-scale in token ownership would otherwise convey in a system such as proof-of-stake (Steem) or proof-of-work (Bitcoin).

So let them own as many tokens as they want to, (in my theory) it will not enable them to perpetually abuse/control the functioning of the decentralized blockchain. Without control, they can not perpetually create our tokens for free. They will have to buy them with their increasingly worthless fiat, which we will increasingly demand higher and higher exchange rates to accept.

Peoples, hackers, criminals, thieves, & satanic pedophiles who love money don't care of their reputation.

We the people who are awake will not assign value to new reputations and we will of course assign negative value to deviant, old reputations.

All the world events are scripted.

Chaos theory insures that not all can be deterministic. If everything was deterministic then past and future are undifferentiated and space-time is innumerable (the past and future light cones of relativity would collapse into each other).

PTBs are working on this. They will give Universal Income & debt forgiveness, etc that Peoples will love it, & give themselves the Mark

Your presentation is excellent, but it is a very hard topic to understand. That's why few people came to read.

My blog is for those who are awake. To give us guidance on the future and what we can do about it.

That is okay. Those of us who are awake will fork off from their dying NWO fiat controlled world. We will continue on to prosper in a decentralized paradigm wherein we can not be crushed by them.

They perish, we live another 1000 years. This is clearly stated in the Bible.

Cheer up. 😊