The Daily Meme #781!

in #money27 days ago

Riddle me this, dear reader?

The workers do all the work, from mining to refining to delivery, all done by people who are not rich and likely never will be billionaires.
They sell the produce of their labor to a boss.
The boss then sells their labor back to them, the spread between what was paid in wages and what was paid at retail is called profits.
Nobody operates in crapitalism without this majick profit.

So, if all there is to buy back the work with is wages, where does the profit come from?


Let me illustrate.

Ford makes 100 cars.
Ford sells 100 cars to dealers on the promise of a return of 10%.
Ford expects more cars back than were created.
Where do the cars to repay the loans come from?

The dealers that couldn't pay back 11 cars lost control of their assets in a bankruptcy court.
Those assets were offered to other dealers so they could cover their paybacks.
The court charged a small fee.

Now replace Ford with Federal Reserve, dealers with banks, and cars with dollars.

You don't have to recognize the dilemma for what it is, but your ignorance of the problem doesn't change the facts.
You are trapped in an economic system that you don't understand, and this lack of understanding makes you a slave of those that designed the system to benefit themselves.
Whether you admit that to yourself, or not.

The facts are, unless we go back to a convertible currency and can get real money from a bank in return for it, we are ensnared in the babylonian money majick snare.

Do you figure they took all the value out of money to benefit the restofus?
Why don't coins have silver in them, anymore?

We get as much tyranny as we tolerate.™


Are you are tired of paying your masters to bomb children in far away places?
Perhaps it is time you pushed back on that.
A simple way that anybody can do that is to hoard your coins.
The fed buys coins at face value from the mint.
A dollar of change in your pocket is a dollar of value out of the banksters' pockets.
Stop playing in their shell game that allows them to play in the amusement parks from hell and shop in the human grocery stores.

Take the chapter 9 challenge?

Simply debunk the math.

Sign in here.


The facts are, unless we go back to a convertible currency and can get real money from a bank in return for it, we are ensnared in the babylonian money majick snare.

Once upon a time, your sweat would earn you a paper BILL. As the "bearer" of the paper BILL, you could be PAYED by the treasury of the USA in LAWFUL MONEY with intrinsic value.

Then the "note" was introduced and declared "legal tender", but was still "redeemable" for LAWFUL MONEY.

Naw, let's just get rid of that "redeemable" part of the agreement...

Now our beautiful hundies cannot be considered "payable" or "redeemable"... just "tender"

Don't forget the unwritten fine print: turn your head to the side, see? It's AUTHORIZED by an ACT.

Once upon a time in the few societies that emerged in abundance, there was no poverty, and there was no "money." Though today We have access to abundance, artificial scarcities are created for profit and control, and Many (most) live in poverty. Our society emerged in scarcity, and the accounting for the energy We add came with it.

And today, as money systems promote psychopaths to the top, We see moneyed psychopaths hiding the tech than makes accounting for Our energy added pointless. They would lose Their only tool to widespread power.

(My definition of money: anything tangible We use to account for the energy We input into a system. This can be trade, barter, work exchange, shells, beads, sticks notched and split, coins (metals), bills (paper), or electronic bits (or anything else used for that purpose).)

But We can get that tech out if We do not file for patents, alerting Them.

The End of (Social) Entropy (article):


A better way is to remove the point of "money" entirely. But You know this...

80% of Us Merely Move Money (article):

Well written, I shared it from my Twitter account.


Posted using MemeHive

There are II kinds of people
Those who understand Roman numerals and those who don't

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of holovision



@antisocialist, I sent you an


As long as capitalism lives, it will serve for those who have capital.

As long as there is the accounting for Our energy added, psychopaths will be promoted to power (money = power = energy).

Accounting For the Energy We Add (article):

Unfortunately, a handful of spoiled rich people rule the world as they wish.

No one rules where none obey.™
