Want to be rich?!

in #money7 years ago

If you are not rich already, it’s because you’ve never sought it! And wishing and desire it, isn’t enough. 

If you are worried about been rich… is wicked? 

It’s not a sin to be rich:

It’s what you DO with all that money that counts. 

If you think… what you can buy with it for yourself, you’re wrong. 

The law of the universe: 

It’s when you think of how that money can help others, you start to get rich. 

  • Just think about how successful businesses do operate? It’s all about their customers. How the customers like what you sell. If it’s stylish, modern (up-to-date), what they need, how it benefits them, etc. 
  • The law of tenfold: If you help others, they tend to help, support and follow you. For every kind thing you do for others, things come back to you tenfold.  
  • It’s strange, but when you serve others, it gives you a feeling of  happiness, that you were able to help them. 
  • Easy come, easy go: Quick easy money doesn’t stick around.  
  • As my father-in-law used to say: “A foolish man and his money is soon parted!” 

Health is power:

Have you ever noticed: Those who drink alcohol and take drugs soon become losers. 

Overeating affects your health and… your ‘pocket’! 

Wealth is power:

Three basic ways to accumulate wealth: 

  1. And if you don’t do anything with what you know, nothing happens. Knowledge well used brings wealth. Wisdom well used, brings happiness. 
  2. Do what you love doing most and good at. You are more likely to create high quality goods. And in the process make money that was earned through your hard work.  
  3. Follow the rules and games of wealth: Be observant and train yourself to live and act the part. 

Starting out with very little money:

Don’t let money control you. 

  • First thing: Get rid of your debts. Pay off the smallest debt, in order to pay off the next smallest debt. If you continue like that, you’ll have enough money to pay off your biggest debt. 
  • While doing that, live on less than what you earn. Don’t live on rich foods, eat simple healthy fresh food. Mend you clothes. When you do buy clothes, select and buy quality clothes that not only look good but wear and last longer. 
  • Start your business on a small scale, doing what you can do and can afford. Plough back what you earn into your project. When you have enough capital, go big time.  

When you start to build up money:

Don’t let money own you. 

Don’t get the urge to go out and buy lots of furniture and bizarre nick-knack décor. Streets cluttered with rubbish, become slums!  

Rich people don’t have cluttered homes! Quality and simplicity speaks volumes! Consider the image you want to portray. Be selective of what décor you want and consider what type of people you want visiting your home. 

Once you’ve made a million:

It’s a two way busy street: 

  • Hire honest, talented, qualified, hardworking people to do what you can’t do. This means acknowledging what you are good at and what you’re not good at. Or that which takes up too much of you time, when you could be creating wealth with your greatest talent. And continue to follow your heart. 
  • Only take on people who love what they do. Power of the mind and spirit will drive them to excel. Provide environments that suit their talents and temperaments. Build a team: share your aspirations with them. In turn, let them share what they think of situations that’ll improve the firm. Happy confident people `grow’ money.

I agree on that "Rich is not Sin" and maybe I know the reason for that is. Some bad persons get rich and then use that evil minds with money to do extra evil stuff and thus give the good rich a bad reputation :(

I also agree that wealth is nothing without a good health. Just imagine being wealthy and all you can do is lie down on bed :( very sad

Thanks for the greatest post ever! :)

Striving to to make money, keeps you busy and interested in life. Therefore it's good for you, if you have the right attitude.

We also have a proverb locally
"An empty mind is the house of Devil"
I totally agree with you :)

Wealthy people do have some common habits and traits about them i agree.

And if you don’t do anything with what you know, nothing happens. Knowledge well used brings wealth. Wisdom well used, brings happiness.

This is absolutely right, i have seen the most successful people love reading, i think it's the knowledge that they get that makes them rich, if you think about it, few people love reading and the few that do it really make a difference.
Being able to recognize opportunities instead of wining about everything comes from having accumulated knowledge.

Thanks for sharing this write up!

" Overeating affects your health and… your ‘pocket’! "
This sentence is more than we common people think about , Its very important to live under your means if you have a hard time saving money. Most people want to be financially free buy also want to go eat $100 dinners everyday. Saving is the first crucial step! Not to mention that these dinners may not be that high in quality either.

Here are 7 simple rules of money from book " The Richest Man in Babylon":

  1. Start thy purse to fattening: save money.
  2. Control thy expenditures: don't spend more than you need.
  3. Make thy gold multiply: invest wisely.
  4. Guard thy treasures from loss: avoid investments that sound too good to be true.
  5. Make of thy dwelling a profitable investment: own your home.
  6. Ensure a future income: protect yourself with life insurance.
  7. Improve thy ability to earn: strive to become wiser and more knowledgable

That goes without saying.
Here we are talking about those who have to start from scratch.
And hope for those who are in debt or think they're too old to make a change in their lives.

Think rich, grow rich! I need to read the book by Napoleon Hill again.

I read that book years ago.
It's not only thinking, but what you're doing about your situation!

Excellent advice!

I would like to expand on "it’s not a sin to be rich". There is a social attitude that being rich is somehow bad or evil. This is quite illogical to me, when we take in consideration that, for example, intelligence is a trait that is highly admired.

Why is it illogical? Well, intelligence is something that you exclusively get through genetics, it's not something that you create. On the other side, wealth is something that you partially get, yes, but partially create and work for, too.

Cheers! : )

I've seen many people come from very bad backgrounds and made it big time. Why, because they made it their ambition to succeed. They took themselves through hard-knocks 'collage' and read books for free at municipal libraries to educate themselves.

Well, here you can rarely see advice on financial well-being. But this is a very urgent topic.
Some people think that you can earn a lot of money by dishonest work. But this is a bad setup. They create negative thoughts and program their consciousness in such a way that they subsequently remain poor, while they do not love the rich more and more.
I believe that money is energy. The energy that makes you act, change the world for the better (only occasionally for the worse, depending on the person).
It should be easier to treat money, have a positive attitude to what you do, and most importantly set goals and achieve them - then money will be the true companion of your life :)
I used to read a lot of financial books and your article is an assembly of the most useful tips, thanks

First there is a need to earn a living. Because we all have to eat, etc.
Then we have to make more money because we have to feed our families too.
But when you can't get a job, you can't hope money will fall into your lap, you have to start your own business. Been independent gives you a feeling of confidence.

it seems to me one of the problems is also that many people ineptly spend their money. That is, they lend themselves to a momentary weakness in the store and can spend the money they could save.
I remembered a very wise phrase from one financier: "When you save - you pay yourself"
I believe that every person should open his mind for big earnings, because this can change his life for the better. If you do not have the opportunity to earn a lot on your work, this too should not be an obstacle. You can "pay yourself" and later open up your small business.
It is necessary to put big deli, but to go to them in small steps, so you will gain experience and not waste your vital energy.
Alcohol and narcotics are a separate topic for conversation, but this is definitely something that will destroy your life and the lives of your loved ones.
Your tips are terrific of you can get a good financial consultant :)

Thanks for your in put. I love what you said: When you save... you pay yourself!
When you on a slim breadline, you have to make some changes before you can save though.

Wise words of advice which will undoubtedly help those in need. Pay off your debts people!

Wow! Great and amazing post mam.
You are my inspiration mam.
Your all posts are amazing.

Thank you so much @artguru mam for sharing this post.😊

Marvellous post.
I agree with you mam.
Great concept and very well articulated.

Thanks for sharing this post.🤗💚

Wowo @artguru. This is really dope. i like that you value health among the prosperity of wealth. The way I see it the true wealth is health through your aging.. Thanks for the marvelous post..

Yes , must make a plan to plan.
Everything you wrote is true for someone that need these tips. With Steemit this is even a better possibility for wealth, which is diffetent than being rich.
Wealth, health, is happiness.
Appreciation for you energy posting this.

Wise words ,,,, wish U were my mentor ......

This tips are great to becoming rich. In fact I need to see more tips like this

love the idea.. resteemed the post...

Great insight on connecting wealth and happiness. Some people will choose one or the other. Why not try your best to achieve both by doing what you love?

One of the most creative post i have read so far, this post contains basic information one has to know about being rich and how to stay rich like you said those who drink alcohol often end up as losers...nice post. I enjoyed every bit of it

Hello @artguru, I nominated you take part in the 7 Day Black and White Photo Challenge in my last post.