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RE: Global Debt Hits $247 Trillion! Who Will Owe Central Banks the Interest On This MASSIVE Debt?

in #money7 years ago

We've the precedent of a country declaring itself bankrupt. So, what if they all do the same, how would that affect the central banks (the Rothchilds, Mellons, Rockefellers etc?). Do we care?

In real life, for us, if you are given a loan that you obviously cannot repy, then the loan is cancelled by the court. I reckon the more these banks lend the governments, the safer we are....


I'm also wondering how the heck this will pan out. They, the banksters who issue this funny money, know they will never be able to repay the debt. Yet at end of the day (i.e., when the fat lady sings and it crashes) somebody is gonna need to pay the piper? Who will it be? I doubt the citizenry will stand for it next time; I just don't see it happening unless the gov't pull out the big guns of their militaries on their own people.