Invention of
Omnipresent economics.
most diverse economical model (infinite/unlimited)
diversity = save economical model
We are all responsible for a healthy economy.
The government should set up a retailing company (warehouse store). It is also a delivery and hauling company. Selling products and services from the citizens their companies (from a to z all companies in the nation). This company should have all modern delivery services as retailers today offer (such as amazon).
Citizens can buy products and services online or in these retailing stores. Some things may need to be ordered ahead of time due to storage on different locations or low supply.
If the government needs to pick up products at a companies or at customer locations the government keeps the profit for this service (government's own hauling and delivery company).
Products can also be delivered for a extra fee or ordered and picked up or bought in-store on location.
The profit the government makes is then used as how tax money is used today hence no need for taxes anymore.
The government should display in-store and online how much profit it has made for the month on screens. This number should change by the hour.
This amount needs to be equal to the total amount of money the government needs to run the country on a yearly bases divided by 12.
When this amount is reached, the citizens need to stop buying from the government for that month.
Total amount to run country divided by 12 = what needs to be made on a monthly basis.
All the extra money made per month gets saved and only used in case the monthly amount is not reached or a sudden disaster.
This eliminates taxes because the government is using a state owned companies to make money (profit). Which is not taxes. This is also legally sound. Profit for a product or service is not tax.
This also gives the power to the people because they can boycott the government if they don't like the government or buy from the government.
Companies decide if they want to sell or not sell via the government if they don't like the government.
The government can also choose to boycott a company. If the government boycotts a company, that company can still sell not via the government.
When you buy a product or service in-store you are asked government or regular.
Regular: means the company gets the full markup (profit) on that product or service.
Government: means the government gets a part of the markup profit on that product or service.
How much the government needs (the percentage the government takes per sale of a product or service) is decided by the government. The lower officiously the better.
This system makes everything cheaper in a country and makes money worth more (can buy more with less).
Taxes and tithing lead to depth that leads to slavery. Taxes and tithing are not biblical and against rules in other religions as well such as Islam and Judaism.
End products will be cheaper because the source products to make an end product also don't have sales tax or other taxes taken on them (import tax).
An end product costs 15 dollars: 5 dollars is profit and 1 dollar is taxes.
No tax so now it costs 14 dollars. This also happens all the way down the line to the source products. The tax gets taken out so the source products become 1 dollar cheaper to.
With this happening, end products will be very cheap.
The government also saves a lot of money on spending (because products and services are cheaper). This means saving a lot of money. These funds fill the hole the other tax types created (that don't exist anymore).
End products are nearly free due to profit on the source products. When the government buys an end product it is actually giving back the money made of the source products. This means the government actually does not spend a lot of money on end products.
And finally all the profit of all the companies in the US is more then the amount of money the government needs to run the country. When the government sells most (nearly all) of the products and services in the country and takes 50% or more of the profit, there is then serious no doubt if this system will work.
Companies should to register themselves the have their products or services sold and approval should be quick and easy.
When the government has become more EFFICIENT (spends less/shrinks/automates) the government can drop the percentage it takes when things are sold on government.
It does not matter which country or state starts with this system because it will spread anyway. It is solid.
The government should set up a private network (physical network) to connect all the stores, central bank and department of finance.
A a private network be put in place that connects to the government (department of finance) to all the retailing stores. There must also be a connection made between the government (department of finance) and the central bank. The central bank in its turn must be connected to all commercial banks and insurance companies. This for monitoring reasons (this later explained). This network is a private government network and it must not be connected to the the global internet. It should remane seperate for security.
Their must be software made to allow the government to record all financial transactions in its retailing stores.
The network now connects all the retailing companies to the government. These stores send all the profit information that the government has made by the hour to the government. The government then adds and the total amount of profit made and updates the screens (that show the profit amount made for the month) in all stores and at the central bank. This happens by the hour. The last update should be done at 11:30 pm. So that the government has time to see the daily result and reset the screens.
If the amount of money needed per month is not reached the government restarts the screen at a negative number(amount needed minus the amount reached).
If the amount of needed money is surpassed, the government should take all the extra money and saves it.
The software should keep track of all sales made on government or regular by the hour. At the end of the month the government also pays out all the companies their profit (the sales sold on regular) and deposits the governments profits in a account.
The government store websites should also show these numbers.
All sales made via the government official stores website should also display the total made for the month.
All the information send over the network should be encrypted before sending.
If the needed amount of money is already made, the government stops selling on government and all sales are now on regular until the end of the month.
The screens should show 2 numbers. The number of that the government has made in profit and the number that is in the governments bank account. These two numbers should be equal by the end of the month.
The government should offer a customer service department for all the products and services being sold.
Companies need to update their software to also be able to report all sales made on government. This total amount must then be entered by hand into a single computer connected to the government's network. This must be done hourly. The government does all the scheduling work for the services being offered.
The government should not do any web hosting or storage or outsourcing services because this leads potential loss of your company (if it is a website), or loss of staff (customer service staff).
If you bring in policies that benefit all religions (parties) you will always win, and avoid avoid conflict.
This system will spread across the world eventually and the internet, the internet will spread with it to make it easy to record transactions and do business religiously.
This system can be used omnipresently. Everywhere around the world. It is also be scaled to use at a state level.
Gold standard.
No need to set exchange rates. Exchange rates are bs (just deciding my currency is better than yours).
All currencies globally should have the same value (same exchange rate).
Should print money and brings it into circulation, by trading digital currency to paper or digital currency to paper from banks.
The cash or credit volume based on what citizens prefer to use.
Interest free bank to the government. Also monitors the governments spending and saving.
Constantly (in real time) monitors commercial banks and takes over if a commercial bank goes past lending limit. If they go past their spending limit in to their save zone limit, they should pay all clients and be closed. No bail outs.
All loans given to the government are interest free and their is only a one time fee taken that is a certain percentage of the loan and a amount for the service.
The higher the loan the bigger the fee.
If there is a emp strike the banks just remember the amount of money you had and just wait till the power is back on.
The central bank is secular. No interest on loans.
Gold backed (because gold has value).
Security features must be added pasterns/symbolism/decoy security methods.
All the notes must be numbered from 0 up. This because if a note occurs that has the same number, then 1 is fake.
Also if a number occurs that has not been printed then it is fake to.
The notes should be made out of plastic (stronger).
Notes must also contain a bar code to scan it easy way to count it.
Coins must be gold or silver.
All notes that enter government retailing stores are scanned an if the note occurs twice in one store the fake one will be destroyed or if a note of the same number occurs in 2 stores at the same time then the fake one will be destroyed too.
Works like a fractional bank with a save zone.
Should be a place where citizens can deposit money for the government.
Should give interest free loans with a one time fee that is a percentage of the loan and a fee for the service (government or regular).
Should be monitored (in real time) how much money they have and how much they are lending out by the central bank. The central bank quickly steps in if they endanger their ability to pay out their clients.
If they go past their spending limit in to their save zone limit, they should pay all clients and be closed. No bail outs.
Debit cards are ok.
Credit cards are ok too but they need to be interest free only a one time fee on the service and a percentage on the loan.
Percentage of 1 time service fee is determined by bank.
These banks can be secular and charge no interest to anybody.
Works like a interest free fractional bank with a safe zone.
Should have a large amount of the money that it would need to pay out. Creating a save zone. Should be able to pay out a large amount of customers simultaneously.
Are monitored (in real time) on how much money the have and how much they are lending out by the central bank. The central bank quickly steps in if they endanger their ability to pay out their clients.
If they go past their spending limit in to their save zone limit, they should pay all clients and be closed. No bail outs.
They should give money back to the client's family after death.
-Educating/selling it to the public.
-Set up retailing companies.
-IT networks/software (put in place all store and the government department of finances also for the central bank/commercial banks/insurance companies) forms for companies that don't have the money to automatize.
-Legislation banning all tax types/making this system legal/illegal to tamper with it.
-Cut tax types.
-Open retailing companies and start selling.
-Drop petrodollar.
-Reduce paper money and change to the new bank notes (convert citizens money into digital money on a commercial).
-Pay back depths.
Christians: Tithing (old testament)
Muslims: Zakat/Jizya
Jew: Tithing
LENDING (with interest)
Christians, Jews as well as Muslims could ask interest if they lend to a person that is not of the same religion.
legally sound: profit is not tax.
mathematically sound: can be scientifically proven to work government and citizens have more money and money is worth more.
religiously sound: religious laws on taxes and lending.
IT/software: simple software's/secure with own private physical network.
Depends on how much money the government or state needs.
This economical model could be easily implemented if the government bought 2 companies.
Amazon(online store). Walmart (physical stores) and because the average American lives in a 15 min range of a Walmart store.
Income tax
Payroll tax
Property tax
Consumption tax
Tariff (taxes on international trade) also called import tax (if they offer a importing service the money goes to the country in wich that companie is in)
Capitation, a fixed tax charged per person
Effective taxes, government policies that aren't explicitly taxes, but result in income to the government through losses to the public
Capital gains tax is a tax on the sale of an investment, usually stocks, bonds, precious metals and property.
Corporate tax is levied on the earnings or profits of a corporation.
Dividend tax is a tax on dividends paid to shareholders of a company.
Excess profits tax is a tax on unusually high profits levied on a corporation. This was largely levied in the United States in times of war to prevent war profiteering, but has been proposed at other times.
Flat tax, an income tax where everyone pays the same tax rate.
Gift tax, a tax on gifts received.
Gross receipts tax, a tax on revenues received by a corporation, even if they don't profit.
Hall–Rabushka flat tax, a flat tax on income that excludes investments.
Inheritance tax, a tax paid on money gained through inheritance
Negative income tax, an income tax where the poor receive payment from the government, instead of owing taxes.
Windfall profits tax is a tax on profits gained by a company that has some kind of large unexpected profit.
FICA tax is a tax levied in the United States to fund Social Security and Medicare.
Pay-as-you-earn tax is a tax paid on each paycheck to pay towards income tax. It is commonly refunded when taxpayers file income tax returns.
Withholding tax is money withheld from a paycheck, often to contribute to income tax liability.
Carucage was a tax on land levied in Medieval England. The tax was only collected when the government required extra revenue and was never levied regularly.
Council Tax is a tax in the United Kingdom on houses.
Danegeld was a tax paid to the Vikings to ensure the Vikings would not raid a person's land.
Kharaj is an Islamic tax on agricultural land.
Land value tax is a tax on the value of land that does not tax the value of the improvements on the land.
Tallage, a tax on land levied in Medieval Europe.
Window tax was a tax levied in England based on the number of windows on a building.
General taxes
Sales tax is a tax on retail sales.
Value added tax is a tax on manufacturing that taxes the difference between the cost of raw materials and the cost of the final product.
FairTax is a proposal to replace every tax in a particular country with a single retail sales tax. To avoid having the tax being regressive, the tax system would also provide a rebate to every citizen subject to the tax.
Per unit tax, a tax charged proportionally to the amount sold, such as by cents per kilogram.
Turnover tax, a tax on intermediate and capital goods that is viewed as a precursor to a value-added tax.
Use tax, a tax charged on an item purchased in an area without a sales tax when brought to an areas that has one.
Alcoholic Tax is a tax that levies alcohol.
Carbon tax is a tax levied on the carbon content of fuels, as a measure to income the impact of global warming.
Fat tax is a tax levied on unhealthy foods.
Financial transaction tax is a tax on certain financial transactions, such as the sale of stocks.
Fuel excise is a tax levied on fuels, especially for motor vehicles.
Luxury tax is a tax on luxury goods.
Soda tax is a tax on soda.
Sin tax is a tax levied against any undesired activity. This includes taxes on alcohol and cigarettes.
Stamp Duty is a tax levied on official documents.
Transfer tax is a tax levied on the sale of property.
Vehicle excise duty is a tax on vehicles levied in the United Kingdom.
The government does not need these tax types anymore because of it's new way of making money and because everything will be cheaper.
-no taxes only profit
-makes everything cheaper
-your money is worth more
-more power to the citizens
And you only have 2 votes, 2 comments how exactly is that viral?
Good Ideas in the main article and Doesn't look viral to me too ;-)
It will.
How do you mean? Anyway, taxes are illegal in most countries and yet they keep collecting it...
Workers are just too happy to keep paying it.
See how the rich pays little or no tax
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