in #money9 years ago (edited)

                                                 NEW VIRTUAL CURRENCY

 Virtual Currency, or CryptoCurrency, was first launched by Bitcoin in 2009. It was new, it was mysterious, many doubted its relevance or validity; but those who invested early on became Millionaires and Multi-Millionaires. 

 Virtual Currency, or CryptoCurrency, was first launched by Bitcoin in 2009. It was new, it was mysterious, many doubted its relevance or validity; but those who invested early on became Millionaires and Multi-Millionaires.

The newest CryptoCurrency company is so brilliant that, having started in Europe just one year ago, is now the #2 CC company in the world--out of over 400 of them. I'm helping to introduce it to America. The timing is perfect for you to get involved. Your future can be financially solid within 2-4 years because of the appreciation of value. Paper currency continues to loose value while gold, silver, and Virtual Currencies grow more valuable.

You can buy into this business anywhere from $200 to $28,000. Brighten your future and invest in the future of money.


Yeah looks like a scam. Just a new bait for unwise small fishes. Invest in nothing and get everything)

So... What's it called? Seems kinda scammy


OneCoin is an obvious scam.