I feel like our government is like a dumb college kid with a credit card. Charge everything to it now and hope that when you owe money your parents will bail you out or your debt will be forgiven.
But instead we open another credit card and push further into debt. I don't follow this as closely as you do, but a 6 year old could manage money in their piggy bank better than the government tends to.
Its actually FAR more DIABOLICAL and deliberate than that. This was done to control this country through the monitory system as bankers/moneychangers have done for thousands of years~
I just published a comprehensive article on this topic tonight titled "The Truth About Money" of which goes into the history of money/currency and what the difference is and why our system now PERPETUATES ENDLESS DEBT!
You can read it here and I welcome all feedback~
Thanks for the reply. I always check out links when people tell a little bit about why they would be beneficial to look at. I clearly have no deep knowledge of our banking system, but have wondered what would happen if one day people decided dollars no longer had any value to them any more than toilet paper.