Exactly! And we owe @ned and @dan and the developers working behind the scenes our gratitude. Steemit would still be awesome with no monetary rewards and simply being a place where great ideas were spread and real discussions had.
The money is secondary to the people / interactions. We are very much on the same page singing the same tune, even if we may not hit all the notes:)
While I can't say I 100% agree with everything that is done around here I can honestly say that given the undertaken @ned @dantheman and the rest of Team Steemit I really cannot bash the guys.
A lot of the questions or concerns I have not even I can come up with an answer for yet. It is up to us as a community to voice our concern, opinions and ideas in order to help create the closest to perfect platform we can for future generations to enjoy.
There will never be a perfect program, but it has the chance to be far more well accepted and enjoyed when people can weigh in and have their voices heard. @ned and @dantheman are invested long term in this platform, so it is in their best interest to make the best product possible.
If people were to leave that would not only hurt steemit, but also the dollar amount in their wallets. We have some great minds working out a lot of things here. Never have I seen another crypto that has been so well thought out.