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RE: Financial Health Series :: The Addictive Side of Spending Money :: Lea @coruscate

in #money7 years ago

I used to eat out a lot when I worked retail and I even had an addiction to lottery tickets and scratch cards after I quit smoking. When I realised how much money goes into the projects I actually want to do, as in books, films, everything I create, the equipment I need, etc., I realised that I need to stop spending elsewhere so that I can have that money.

It's funny because when I was working at the call center, I was always broke and could barely afford anything. Now all I do is post on Steemit and create, I make so much less that I did (for now, I know that that will change over time), and yet I am able to afford everything I need, I am able to afford the things I want to advance projects and for funsies too. I don't overspend. I just save for my goals.

I think what changed is that in regards to spending, I value the money I have and prioritise the things I want to spend on and don't use my credit card frivolously. Clearing up $3K of dept after one year of only paying the minimum kinda makes you realise that you should not be using your credit card unless you already have the money in your account.