Are you tired working a 9-5, or even worse hours? Working for someone else and need a change?
Here are 5 things that changed my life within 365 days!
1. Craft something
Depending upon what your making it could be next to nothing.
Yes, making something does take an initial cost in supplies, but oftentimes, these products can be sold for many times over their actual cost.
What you decide to make is up to you, but there are several places you can sell your handmade options online:
2. Resell something.
Quite a few business have grown large businesses reselling products that have already been made.
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Thrift stores and garage sales: People get rid if the best things for the greatest prices sometimes. Just have to search. There are plenty of way to resell, such as Amazon, Ebay, or even in facebook swap and shops. {Yes its possible}
3. Sell your services and/or knowledge
One way to start a business with little to no startup capital is to sell your services, instead of a physical product. There’s a huge variety of services you can offer.
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Some will require advanced degrees, such as accounting, while others require little more than a working knowledge of how it’s done such as ebooks, or person to person.
4. Trades and Offers
Unfortunately, it’s extremely hard to start a business without any type of funds at all. Even creating a freelance-writing business utilizing Elance and a free Wordpress or Wix website will still require a computer to work on as well as Internet. However, there are ways to get supplies you need for starting your business without money.
For instance, if you find yourself in need of a used laptop, try to barter for it. Build a new website for a used electronics supplier, or offer babysitting services to your neighbor for their old Macbook.
5. Low-cost services.
As mentioned previously, you can use sites such as Fiverr or Elance to advertise your products and services on, but you can also use these platforms to build up your own company.
For an example Fiver you can purchase stock pictures for 5-25 dollars instead if your $150.00 an hour with a designer
This is a great way to get branding materials, printed items (Vistaprint and Zazzle are great places to buy personalized items), or other needed items without much cost.
Starting a business requires ingenuity and a passion for what you are doing. Once you find yourself doing something you enjoy, you will be more likely to find ways to make it all come together.
Stay positive and focus on the goal. Your already on your way there.
Thanks for the advice :D You forgot to mention Steemit.
Added! Good luck on your future endevours!
great it was nicely explained
Thanks! Good luck on all your future journeys.