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RE: Are you interested in investing in physical silver? What if I told that with a little bit of work each week you could get it for practically free? Interested?

in #money9 years ago (edited)

I can take criticism, it was the condescending way you said it that made me look down on you. "You missed that"? No I didn't, you just didn't read or apparently wanted it SPELLED out for you. I don't know what kind of power trip you are on but I'm sorry you can't get free silver in Europe, it's really not my problem. It states in the first sentence US monetary system, apparently you missed that. You also missed the part where it clearly says "Canada as well". If you had at least read through the entire thread... I don't care about your upvote, calm down Mr. god complex. Not every post is going to pertain to you, so don't go around expecting them to. The world doesn't revolve around Ash. And nice job going straight to profanity the second you get downvoted. I think it is you that can't take criticism, at least on your personality.